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visual basic

Latest addition : Saturday 7 October 2006.

This section's articles

Visual Basic - To Infinity and Beyond!

Saturday 7 October 2006 by Dermot Hogan

Last month I looked at a simple ’rocket’ represented by a Visual Basic 6 control. While it worked, it did have one or two limitations. First, there was the somewhat rectangular appearance to the control. Let’s face it, most rockets are not square. Secondly, the Earth’s gravity was treated as being constant. Of course, the strength of the Earth’s gravity varies with distance from its centre.

Right-click to download the source code See also Previous Part of this series The Rocket control is in fact a type of 'cellular automaton'. In spite of having a complicated sounding name, these things are really very simple. That's actually the essence of cellular automata. They are simple because they only know about local conditions - the nearby temperature, pressure, gravity and so on. One of the reasons for using cellular automata is that you can directly solve some very complicated (...)
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Rocket Science

Monday 28 August 2006 by Dermot Hogan

VB6 - On The Move

Thursday 27 July 2006 by Dermot Hogan

Bit Shifting in Visual Basic 6

Monday 22 May 2006 by Dermot Hogan
