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Delphi For PHP?

Or so they say...
Thursday 8 February 2007.

Rumours are emerging of a new product from Borland spinoff company, CodeGear, which will extend their visual Pascal product, Delphi, to work with PHP!

The new product will (apparently) be called Delphi Astro. There will also be a product called (bizarrely) Delphi Spacely, which will target Windows Vista and AJAX. Details are sketchy and (inconveniently) in Swedish. If anyone knows more (or can translate from Swedish to English), please let me know.

For Swedish speakers, see HERE.

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  • Delphi For PHP?
    8 February 2007, by Martin Liesén

    Here’s a quick translation of the page mentioned in the article.

    Preview of developing using Delphi on Vista. The future in visual webb developing using PHP.

    The developer tool company CodyGear, former Borland Developer Tools Group has ambitious plans for the future, and now wishes with the help of PC-WARE to invite you to a free seminary to talk and give you a preview of the near future in two main areas. Delphi developing in Win 32 for Vista and Webb (see how the future will look for you how develop using Win 32. New features include developing with Windows Vista, Ajax and more…) and also RAD developing in PHP (CodeGear has previously announced plans for new tools for webb developing, dynamic languages etc. Get a closer look of how PHP-applications might be developed in a modern RAD environment).

    Topics will include

    * Info about CodeGear – a company aimed for developers.

    * Plans for the future of known products as Delphi

    * Plans for new products and techonlogies

    * Delphi developing on Windows Vista

    * CodeGear plans for PHP

    * And some exciting news...

    I’ve also received an email invitation to the seminary. It contained the following additional information.

    Delphi Spacely – Delphi for Vista Delphi Spacely is the new version of Delphi aimed for you who develops in Delphi Win32 and wish to be able to work with Windows Vista and Ajax.

    Delphi Astro – Delphi for PHP Delphi Astro is a new tool for you who develop webb applications in PHP. Now you too can get access to the kind of visual RAD environment that has existed in Delphi for more than 10 years.

    • Delphi For PHP?
      9 February 2007, by Huw Collingbourne

      Many thanks for the translation :-)
