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From IronRuby to ’Visual Ruby’?

Ruby draws closer to .NET
Wednesday 31 October 2007.

If Ruby and .NET are of interest...

...you might like to take a look at a few screenshots showing the IronRuby form designer (alpha) which my company (SapphireSteel Software) is working on. IronRuby is the name of Microsoft’s version of the Ruby language for .NET. It’s still in any early stage of development and our form designer will necessarily change as IronRuby itself develops.

Still, it’s a first step towards a truly RAD Ruby IDE. As an old Delphi programmer, that is something I long for...

More info: http://www.sapphiresteel.com/IronRuby-Visual-Form-Designer

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  • From IronRuby to ’Visual Ruby’?
    31 October 2007, by magpie

    "Still, it’s a first step towards a truly RAD Ruby IDE. As an old Delphi programmer, that is something I long for"

    I know what you mean, and I think I’ve found it in Adobe Flex and Rails with REST. I’m using normal Rails models with a generic REST controller base class, and Flex as the GUI layer. Flex has mxml and actionscript, roughly analogous to dfm and pas files, plus design and source editing modes, components etc !

    • From IronRuby to ’Visual Ruby’?
      1 November 2007, by Huw Collingbourne

      I’ve played aroound a bit with Flex with Rails too. Currently (in my view) it’s all a bit too much like hard work. A long way from simple drag/drop/code (or anyway, it’s drag/drop/code and then ’stick all the bits together’). However, I think Flex (and maybe Silverlight?) will be increasingly important steps towards ’getting back’ to a way of developing that almost seems to be getting lost these days. Of course, people need better tools to get everything working together ;-)

      best wishes

