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Stuff that’s entertained me this week...

Stuff’n’Nonsense on YouTube
Monday 7 June 2010.

Some blogs make a habit of posting lists of more or less random links to things the blog’s author happens to find of interest. I’ve never done that. But, hey, there’s a first time for everything... ;-)

So this week, here are a few videos which, for one reason or another have helped to while away the time....

First, a funny one...

Then a banned one...

One for fans of ‘60s music (and Petra the Blue Peter Dog)...

One for fans of Bollywood....

And finally, one for fans of British comedy...

YouTube never ceases to amaze me. Until a few years ago, most of the clips above would have been almost impossible for most people to track down. Their presence on YouTube is largely thanks to enthusiasts who find, record and archive video clips and make them available to the rest of us. Wonderful!

I’ve uploaded a video of my own to YouTube this week. As it is by no means as entertaining as any of the clips above, however, I’ll omit it from today’s list. Maybe I’ll get around to my YouTube exploits on some other occasion...

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  • Stuff that’s entertained me this week...
    9 July 2010

    Very good collection
