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BW2 :: the bitwise supplement :: http://www.bitwisemag.com/2

Welcome To BW2
...the Bitwise colour (or, if you prefer ‘color’) supplement!

22 May 2006

by Huw Collingbourne

This section of the Bitwise site is still in its infancy and at the time of writing there isn’t too much to see here. However, that will all change over time as we add more and more features to BW2.

There is one major thing that sets BW2 apart from the main Bitwise site: in a word ‘interactivity’. Here you will be able to ask questions or make comments on articles simply by clicking the ‘Comment on this article’ link beneath the main text.

You should be aware that your comments won’t appear immediately as they have to be approved by an administrator. This is in order to avoid ‘comment spam’ – the plague of all Internet forums and blogs. Don’t worry: we don’t plan to censor comments unnecessarily. Just as long as you don’t advertise sex, drugs, surgery, gambling and get-rich-quick schemes, you should be OK!

I hope that, as it starts to fill up with more features, you will find that BW2 adds a new dimension to the Bitwise site.

Best wishes

Huw (Bitwise Editor)