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Free Programming Books!
From Ada to VB

11 March 2007

by Huw Collingbourne

Astonishing, the stuff you can find online...

I’ve just discovered a whole load of professional programming books available for free download. I admit that my initial reaction was "This can’t be legal!" The site, however, states that, while the titles are copyright, "The author / publisher has generously allowed them to be available for free online."

A bit of Googling for a few of the titles seems to indicate that this claim is indeed true. There are books in PDF format here ranging from Marco Cantu’s Essential Delphi, to Robert Nagler’s Extreme Programming in Perl. I’ve just downloaded Mark Pilgrim’s Dive Into Python; and PHP 5 Power Programming by Gutmans, Bakken and Rethans. Should keep me busy for a while... :-)

Thanks to all the authors and publishers who’ve made these books available. May your generosity be rewarded in Amazon!

Go to the download site at: http://www.computer-books.us/