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Explore logic programming and Artificial Intelligence with a free Prolog system….

Also: Read our Beginner's Prolog Tutorial
or skip straight to our reviews of free Prologs

“Prolog is a conversational language… if you ask the right kind of questions, Prolog will work out the answers….”
(from Programming In Prolog by Clocksin and Mellish)

Depending on your point of view, Prolog is either one of the most exciting and innovative computer languages ever invented or it is a programming dead-end, over-burdened with ‘concept’ at the expense of practicality. The ideas behind the language are revolutionary: whereas in other languages, the programmer must specify precisely how every problem in a program is to be solved, in Prolog it is only necessary to specify the problem itself and then allow the program to find one or more solutions.

A Dialogue With Prolog...

Here is a simple example of how to ask Prolog to find an answer to a question. In the top window I have written a set of Prolog facts:

   1) John is a thief.
   2) Mary likes food and Mary likes wine.

Then a conditional assertion is made - namely, that John likes something, X, if that something likes wine. Finally, another assertion is made - that someone, X, may steal something, Y, if someone X is a thief and X likes Y.

In order to find out who may steal what, Prolog has to examine all the facts and assertions in this program. Here is the question I have entered at the prompt in the bottom window:


This is how Prolog goes about finding an answer. First it instantiates the variable, X, to the value john. It tests whether john is a thief and finds this to be true (this fact is plainly stated in the code). Then it calls likes(john, Y). No match is made with the two first likes() facts since, in both of these, the first argument specifies mary, so calling them with the variable X which is instantiated to the name john means that no match can be made.

Now Prolog looks at the final entry for likes(). Here the value of the first argument is john so this time a match is made. Then it is stated that john likes X if X likes wine. Prolog doesn’t yet know if this state of affairs can ever arise. In order to find out, it has to examine the likes() facts once again. This time, it is looking for a definite match with second argument, wine, in which case it will instantiate the first argument, X, to whatever value it finds. A match is made with the fact about mary:


So now the second argument, X here…

likes(john X) :- likes(X,wine).

…is instantiated to the value mary. This causes the second argument, Y, to be instantiated in the may_steal() assertion - which, you will recall, has just called likes(X,Y)

may_steal(X,Y) :- thief(X), likes(X,Y).

…resulting in Prolog giving us the surprising information that john may steal mary! Ah well, Prolog can only make intelligent deductions if we give it intelligent information!

This examples is taken from chapter 1 on Clocksin and Mellish’s famous book, Programming In Prolog. The Prolog system shown above is SWI-Prolog with the SWI-Prolog-Editor.

The Fascination of Prolog

For a while, back the ‘70s, it seemed to some people that Prolog would, in time, make conventional ‘procedural’ computer languages redundant. After all, why put the effort into hard-coding every last twist and turn of programming logic in a language such as C when Prolog can do all the hard graft for you? Moreover, unlike C programs, Prolog programs can be modified by the programmer at runtime and can even modify themselves (adding new facts and rules to an existing program). The potential of self-modifying programs based on the principles of formal logic seemed almost incalculable.

Could it be that Prolog would provide the means of modelling the human reasoning process, its programs capable of ‘learning from experience’ - resulting, one day, in the creation true artificial intelligence - a genuine ‘thinking machine’?

For many years there was much excited muttering about a ‘fifth generation computer’ project, based on Prolog, being undertaken in Japan. I’m not entirely sure what the project was expected to achieve but I rather think that many people were hoping for something similar to the Deep Thought computer in The Hitchhiker’s Guide To The Galaxy.

For a brief history of the rise and fall of the Japanese super computer, see Japan-101

Well, sadly, the Japanese version of Deep Thought never did see the light of day. And while C and C++ programmers went out into the big wide world and wrote fast (and highly profitable) applications in their resolutely old-fashioned programming languages, Prolog programmers increasingly retreated into the groves of academe wherein to contemplate the beauties of their beloved language which should by now (if there were any justice in the world), have superseded C….

Now, whether you are procedural programmer (of the C, C++, Java, Delphi or Basic variety) or a logic programmer (of the Prolog persuasion), you must surely agree on one thing: Prolog is different - very different - from most other languages. Its differences are what make it both fascinating to its adherents and impenetrable to newcomers.

Beyond Prolog

Traditional Prolog is not the only ‘logic programming language’. There is even a P# for .NET “which facilitates interoperation between a concurrent superset of the Prolog programming language and C#”. Meanwhile, another language, called Oz, implements logic and functional and object orientated programming. The Oz language forms the core of the Mozart Programming system which is freely available for Windows, Linux, OSX and other platforms.

In my opinion, Prolog is one of the most innovative and intriguing of all computer languages. It gives you the seductive ability to write programs in the form of ‘road maps’ of facts connected together by ideas and propositions. The programmer can then navigate this map, this network of possibilities, looking for one or many solutions to simple or complex problems. Programming in Prolog really is a voyage of discovery. How much more exciting can programming get….?

Maybe Prolog was just ahead of its time? Rather like Smalltalk, which introduced graphical environments and object orientation before most people had computers capable of running the system, Prolog was aiming to move people into a new generation of programming before the existing generation had got much beyond the toddler stage.

Maybe Prolog itself now needs to move forward? Currently many implementations of the language address themselves principally to the research community rather than to commercial developers. The most commercially-orientated system - the one that most completely addresses itself to compiler efficiency and developer productivity - is PDC’s Visual Prolog. But instead of embracing this as the ‘way forward’, some Prolog programmers have criticised it as a backward step, believing that it sacrifices many of the beauties of traditional Prolog.

Well, here’s your chance to draw your own conclusions. There are several good Prolog interpreters and compilers available for free. These include everything from the novel Visual Prolog compiler to more ‘traditional’ systems such as SWI-Prolog.

Is Prolog’s time still to come? You decide….


First, download a Prolog development system...



Here SWI-Prolog is hosted within the SWI-Prolog-Editor. With its multi-window environment, syntax colour coding and other handy features such as a quick-find list of predicates, this add-on editor considerably enhances the usability of SWI-Prolog.

SWI-Prolog is very much a ‘traditional’ Prolog. Its default user interface takes the form of a window containing a commandline in which queries are entered alongside a ?- prompt. It has a large set of built-in predicates comprising a superset of the Edinburgh Prolog standard and these are well documented in a comprehensive help system. It is cross-platform; versions are available for Windows, Unix/Linux and Mac OS X. The software is completely free and its continued development is supported by voluntary donations.

While SWI-Prolog is quite a powerful system, its default development environment is pretty primitive. There are no interface design tools. Indeed, the author of SWI-Prolog appears to be curiously averse to visual design tools (see ‘Why GUI Builders Are Evil’). GUI applications can be built, however, using a graphics toolkit. It does have a moderately capable graphic debugger but there is no built-in editor. Fortunately, this deficiency can be rectified using the add-on SWI-Prolog Editor for Windows or the cross-platform J-Prolog editor written in Java .

Overall this is a comprehensive Prolog system with a fairly active community of users and a decent number of useful add-ons.

NOTE: For a hands-on introduction to SWI-Prolog (the base system without the add-on editors), see our Beginner’s Prolog Tutorial


Visual Prolog


Visual Prolog has all the tools you would expect to design, code and debug a Windows application

I love Visual Prolog. I first came across it - or rather, its DOS-based predecessor, at a time when it was marketed by Borland under the name Turbo Prolog. The Windows system continues to be developed by its creators, PDC (the Prolog Development Center). Many of the other Prolog systems reviewed here skimp on important little details such as a decent editor, form designer or debugger. Not Visual Prolog. This has a complete, tightly integrated IDE with all the features you would expect of a modern, commercial-quality programming system.

Judged purely in terms of its environment and support tools, there is can be little doubt that Visual Prolog is by far the most powerful and complete of all the free Prolog programming systems. The commercial release might reasonably lay a similar claim when compared with its commercial rivals. But….

Ah yes, there is a ‘but’. Visual Prolog is not ‘traditional Prolog’. While its syntax owes much to the ‘Edinburgh’ standard, both the language and the environment are significantly different from the versions of Prolog which feature in most text books. For one thing, Visual Prolog is a typed language. It requires that named code blocks (predicates) be predeclared and the arguments to them be given specific data types. The downside of this is that Visual Prolog is, in some senses, less flexible than traditional Prolog. It does not do on-the-fly querying, nor can it do meta programming (in which data can be interpreted as code - say by passing a predicate name as an argument and then calling the actual predicate). There are good reasons for this. Visual Prolog is a compiler, not an interpreter. It is designed for the development of fast standalone applications. Its strong typing is aimed at compiler efficiency and good error trapping (however, version 7 of Visual Prolog, currently in alpha, introduces 'parametric polymorphism' or generics which, to some extent, gets around some problems associated with strong typing).

Some Prolog purists feel that this is not a sufficient reason for omitting some of the most powerful (or anyway, ‘interesting’) aspects of Prolog. On the other hand, it could be argued that, while traditional Prolog may have all kinds of intellectually interesting features, these are not necessarily of great utility when developing efficient standalone applications. If this is your main priority, you might find that Visual Prolog’s sacrifices are well justified.

Visual Prolog does not merely subtract features from traditional Prolog, however. It has also added a good many new features. It is fully object orientated, incorporates many useful additions to the language and has a good integrated development environment for creating fully visual, event-driven Windows applications.

The Personal edition of Visual Prolog 6.3 has most of the essential features of the commercial release but has a smaller library, omits some features such as COM support and is restricted to non-commercial use. The full list of features of the commercial and person editions can be found here.

My recommendation is: download it, try it, follow the online tutorials and make up your own mind!




EZY-Prolog has a good integrated environment for designing and editing

EZY-Prolog is a Visual Prolog-compatible interpreter. It comes with a pretty slick integrated environment complete with a syntax coloured code editor and tabbed panes to view messages, variables, trace and call stack. It even has its own visual designer. This lets you lay out forms and dialogs by dragging buttons, edit boxes and other controls onto a blank workspace and setting their properties in a panel. The code editor has some nice features such as a drop-down list for inserting functions or 'code-completion' and it provides context-sensitive help on a selected predicate.

And yet, in spite of its friendly-looking environment, I have to say that I personally didn’t find EZY-Prolog to be quite as easy to use as its name suggests. It even took me several minutes to work out how to load and run a program. The layout capabilities of its form designer baffled me until I read the documentation. My problems were due to simple things such as the fact that you have to select a specific part of a control (not obvious) in order to drag it and that the DEL key does not delete a control - you have to click an on-screen button instead.

These are minor criticisms, however. Compared with most of the other Prolog implementations reviewed here (Visual Prolog being a notable exception) this is an unusually user friendly system.

EZY-Prolog includes several special features for Visual Prolog users. For example, it can generate Visual Prolog classes, including form designs, to be included in a Visual Prolog application. Its Visual Prolog support is not perfect, however. It is compatible with a rather old version (5.2 rather than the current 6.3) and cannot simply load and run an entire multi-file Visual Prolog project.

But why, you may be wondering, would anyone want a Visual Prolog interpreter when they might just as well get the Visual Prolog compiler? The real reason is that the interpreter gives to the Visual Prolog language some of the development features that are otherwise only available to more traditional Prologs. In particular, it allows new facts to be asserted at runtime, so that programs can be modified without editing and recompiling and it ignores predeclared predicates and types. This gives it the ability, for example, to process lists of mixed data items in a way which would not be allowed by Visual Prolog itself. So, in effect, it is like a traditional Prolog interpreter (but with a more complete IDE than most) which uses the Visual Prolog syntax. EZY-Prolog can check programs for Visual Prolog compatibility and it produces warning messages when code violates Visual Prolog’s typing rules.

The developer of EZY-Prolog is currently working on an enhanced system called EZY-Prolog Suite which will have an improved development environment and will enable the integration of EZY-Prolog into programs created in other languages such as VB, Java and Delphi.


Strawberry Prolog


Strawberry Prolog has a decent editing environment, a good beginner’s tutorial and lots of sample projects such as the Minesweeper game seen here

Strawberry Prolog is a bit of an oddity. On the one hand, it implements a fairly traditional version of the Prolog language but on the other hand it does so in a very untraditional way.

Whereas most traditional Prologs start with commandline prompt ?-, Strawberry Prolog starts with the source code editor. If you’ve been using other Prolog systems this can initially be quite confusing. However, if you are more used to languages such as C++ or Delphi, this is probably what you were expecting anyway.

A query is itself entered into a source file. You actually enter the Prolog prompt symbol prior to the query. So, for example, you might enter two facts and one query like this:

oop( smalltalk ).
oop( java ).
?- oop(L), write(L), nl, fail.

This can then be compiled and executed in which case an output window will display the two language names matching the query, smalltalk and java, plus a newline (nl) after each. Finally it will display ‘No’ due to the query’s call to fail (which is required to make Prolog seek more than one solution to the query). For simple programs and when learning Prolog, the lack of commandline interactivity may be a disadvantage. When developing standalone programs this is not so much of a problem. In that case, the query in your source file may be regarded as, in essence, the main function (or the ‘goal’ as Visual Prolog calls it) of your program which starts everything going.

Strawberry Prolog has a moderate development environment with multiple windows, syntax coloured code and a code-tracing tool (a ‘proof tree’) for debugging. It does not, however, have any GUI design tools. User interfaces are designed using special Prolog predicates which place buttons and other objects at specific locations on a form. Predicates can then be defined to respond to events such as a button-click.

Strawberry Prolog is available for Windows. A limited implementation lacking graphics and development tools is also available for Linux/Unix. There is a curious registration process for the Windows XP/NT software; this requires that you sign up for a free anti-spam email service run by the author of Strawberry Prolog. If you don’t want to do this, you can download a Windows 98-compatible version (which also runs under XP) without having to register. Commercial editions of Strawberry Prolog are also available. The Professional edition includes an EXE compiler (though executables are not completely standalone, apparently, since they require that the free edition of Strawberry Prolog be installed).

Overall this is an interesting system with a good set of graphics tools for exploring Prolog. It does, however, lack interactivity and is probably not ideal for a new learner who intends to use one of the standard texts.

More Alternatives…

GNU Prolog

This is another Prolog traditional implementation which conforms to the ISO Standard (‘Edinburgh syntax’). It has more than 300 built-in predicates, an interactive interpreter and the option of native code compilation (using a commandline compiler) on a variety of platforms including Windows and Linux. The interface is pretty minimal - no editor, no graphical debugger, not much indeed in the way of a menu system. Files are loaded (‘consulted’) by entering commands at a prompt. There are some add-ins for GNU-Prolog including ‘constraint programming’ and OOP extensions and an interface to the MySQL database. However, GNU-Prolog’s austere user interface makes this a somewhat forbidding system for the newcomer to the language.


Another ISO Prolog system, Ciao provides various extensions for functions, constraints and objects. Its environment offers the choice of traditional commandline querying plus an emacs editing interface and debugger. A compiler is provided for standalone executables. Ciao can be run on Windows, Linux and other flavours of Unix.


B-Prolog takes a resolutely traditional approach to prompt-driven programming

B-Prolog has a neat Windows installer but the system itself is commandline driven. In fact, you run it from a batch file (which you may need to edit by hand to set up the paths) and it opens in a ‘DOS Box’. It does come with a Windows graphics library, however, and it is possible to create Windows-hosted applications by entering commands at the commandline or in source code. While B-Prolog has a decent 95 page PDF manual and its programs can interface with C++ and Java to create standalone applications, this system cannot be recommended to the beginner for the simple reason that it has almost nothing in the way of a user interface. While B-Prolog is available commercially, the software can be downloaded free for non commercial development. The author informs us that the downloadable software is time-limited to one or two years depending on the release date.

Source (provided with Visual Prolog) from http://www.visual-prolog.com/
Or download a ready-to-run version direct from Bitwise

PIE (‘Prolog Inference Engine’) is a demo program that ships with PDC’s Visual Prolog system. However, while some demo programs may be small and trivial, this one isn’t. In fact, it is a surprisingly complete Edinburgh Prolog interpreter. Though it hasn’t got as many built-in predicates as some of the other traditional Prolog systems listed here, it does have a decent multi-window editor and a simple code-trace for debugging purposes. Moreover, its source code is provided so Visual Prolog programmers have the option of extending its capabilities or using PIE to embedded Prolog features in their own applications. PIE is one of the two Prologs which we’ve used in the Bitwise beginner’s tutorial.

Open Prolog

Open Prolog is a system designed specifically for the Apple Mac. It supports a subset of ISO Prolog and is largely ‘Edinburgh’ Prolog compatible. It has a fairly simple user interface with built-in tracing. More information and screenshots can be seen here.


Once upon a time, Poplog was an expensive commercial product (costing about £7,500 or $13,600 at its height!) but it is now free, so grab yourself a bargain! This is a multi-language system which includes Prolog, Lisp and ML plus its ‘core’ AI language, Pop-11). Versions of Poplog are currently available for Windows, Linux and other flavours of Unix. A version for Mac OSX is under development. More information from http://www.poplog.org/

Read On...

Newcomers to Prolog can start learning the language by following our tutorial here. If you want to delve deeper, you can choose from a number of books on Prolog programming. In my opinion, the best of the lot is the classic text, Programming In Prolog by W. F. Clocksin and C. S. Mellish. This gives a clear, well-paced introduction to ISO standard (‘Edinburgh’) Prolog. First published in 1981 and now in its fifth edition, this is the essential book for student of Prolog.


Learning Prolog On The Web

Here are some links to some useful Prolog study resources

More links

More Prolog resources


Trial Versions of Prolog

In addition to the freely available Prologs mentioned above, there are also these time-limited ‘trial versions’:

Amzi! Prolog

SICStus Prolog

Logic Programming Associates’ Win-Prolog


Huw Collingbourne

September 2005


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