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Amethyst Flash IDE in Visual Studio 1.5 launched

Now supports Flex 4.5 and mobile
Tuesday 28 June 2011.

If you want to develop for Adobe Flash but you don’t want to use Eclipse, what can you do?

Answer: use Visual Studio!

Amethyst 1.5 is SapphireSteel Software’s Visual Studio IDE for developing Flash and Flex-based applications for the desktop, the web or mobile devices. It includes a drag-and-drop Designer, IntelliSense, refactoring and a multi-process debugger that can debug between .NET and Flash (C# or VB and ActionScript) in a single debugging session.

Note: Huw Collingbourne (editor of Bitwise) is Director of Technology for SapphireSteel Software and, much as he’d like to review Amethyst, he feels he might not be totally impartial.... ;-) But you can read more about it on the SapphireSteel Software web site: http://www.sapphiresteel.com/Blog/article/amethyst-1-5-released.

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