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Foundation Game Design with Flash

Book Review
Friday 29 May 2009.

Foundation Game Design with Flash - $39.99 /£31.49
By Rex van der Spuy
Friends of Ed: http://www.friendsofed.com/book.html?isbn=9781430218210
Computer Manuals: http://www.compman.co.uk/
ISBN-10: 1-4302-1821-5
ISBN-13: 978-1-4302-1821-0

So you want to design a game and you want to do it in Flash? This, then, is (or may be) the book you need.

First let’s clarify what this book is and what it isn’t. It is a book for people who want to both design and code a two-dimensional graphical game using Adobe’s Flash CS3 or CS4 IDE and the ActionScript 3.0 programming language. It is not a book for people who want to code 3D games, it only has basic advice on creating non-graphical games (e.g. text-based games such as adventures) and it has nothing to say about the Flash Platform’s application development framework, Flex, its standalone application runtime, AIR, or code-centric IDEs such as Flex Builder or Amethyst.

Its focus on the Flash IDE has benefits and disadvantages. On the plus side, it allows the author to provide keystroke-by-keystroke tutorials in the certain knowledge that the reader will be able to follow along using the chosen IDE. Moreover, since the Flash IDE combines graphic design, animation and coding features, you will be able to create a game from start to finish in a single environment. The downside is that the Flash IDE’s program development capabilities are pretty basic so if you are used to using a more powerful environment based on Eclipse, say, or Visual Studio, you may find it extremely frustrating.

This book covers a lot of ground since it aims to guide even the complete novice through all aspects of game design and development. “The book” (it says) “assumes that you haven’t had any experience of Flash - or any experience with computer programming.” This bold aim necessarily means that the author has to get through some topics at a cracking pace. Even the first ‘Hello world’ program requires that the reader get to grips with the fundamentals of object orientation including classes, objects and constructors as well as packages, keywords and various other bits of ActionScript syntax. That’s likely to be an uphill struggle for someone who’s never done any programming at all before!

More experienced coders can leap straight into a later chapter in the book (the author recommends starting at chapter 5). From here on in, the book goes into the nitty-gritty details of game development - explaining how to move objects, provide user interaction and deal with common game-type occurrences such as collision detection. In my view, this is where the book really springs into life.

In short, I think this book is mistaken in believing that it can not only teach the novice Flash developer to design and animate graphics using the Flash IDE but can also teach object oriented programming from the ground up. That’s just too much to deal with and the fundamentals of programming are dispensed with too rapidly and in too little detail. The book does, however, provide a good introduction to Flash game design for someone who already has grounding in ActionScript 3.0 or some other object oriented language such as C# or Java.

Summary of Contents

- Programming Foundations: How to Make a Video Game
- Making Objects
- Programming Objects
- Controlling Movie Clip Objects
- Decision Making
- Controlling a Player Character
- Bumping into Things
- Object-Oriented Game Design
- Platform Game: Physics and Data Management
- Advanced Object and Character Control

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  • Foundation Game Design with Flash
    21 September 2009, by Paulo Brasko

    It always amazes me the comments that some people do about movies and books. Mainly the ones that call themselves "critics" ...

    This book is very good in all what the author proposes to teach. I had never used Flash in my whole life and after reading this book I truly believe that I can use what I learned and even extrapolate the concepts to create 2D games like so many found in the internet, such as the Club Penguin.

    The author explain step-by-step providing lots of important details, so no gap is missed. Congratulations to Rex van der Spuy! Great book!

    Of course you will never find everything that should be talked about developing 2D and 3D games in a single book. It would have about 20 thousand pages at least.

    Be assure that if you are looking for an initiation in game development using flash, this is the right book to buy.

    • Foundation Game Design with Flash
      21 September 2009, by Huw Collingbourne

      I hadn’t thought my review was particularly negative though I stand by my view that this book’s coverage of object oriented programming is less than satisfactory.

      Incidentally, I’m not sure why you’ve decided to group me with the film critics whom you seem to dislike. I don’t call myself a ’critic’. I am just someone with an opinion. I also happen to be one of the developers of a Flash Platform IDE and the lead programmer of its visual designer (written in ActionScript). So while I have no problems with people disagreeing with my opinions, I think I may reasonably claim that, at the very least, my opinions are moderately well informed... ;-)

      • Foundation Game Design with Flash
        23 September 2009, by Paulo Brasko

        That’s exactly my point: for a beginner’s perspective this book is excellent because it teaches what a beginner must know and understand, even if the "hello world" takes many pages of explanation... We, beginners need that! As I told in my review: I started reading this book with zero knowledge about developing games in Flash and now I have the knowledge of doing so. Just looking at some 2D games that my son plays over the internet I can already imagine how I could implement it in Flash using what I have learned from this book. You gave your opinion based on all your long experience on this subject, but remember that you need to put yourself in our place (people that do not have such experience). In that level you would see that this book is excellent. Please do not feel that this is personal (between you and me), I do not want to argue with you too much in this subject, because each of us have a different view of the surrounded world and you are surely entitle to give your opinion always. I just gave mine as a person that just started studying Flash games and how that book helped me a lot. One day we will discuss this having a pizza and beer in a bar. Have a nice day.

        • Foundation Game Design with Flash
          23 September 2009, by Huw Collingbourne

          I’m pleased the book worked for you. As I said in my review, within certain limitations, the book does a good job of giving "keystroke-by-keystroke tutorials in the certain knowledge that the reader will be able to follow along using the chosen IDE". In that we seem to agree.

          As I said before, I really don’t think my review of this book is negative. My conclusion is that it provides "a good introduction to Flash game design for someone who already has grounding in ActionScript 3.0 or some other object oriented language" which, I think, is, for the right reader, a recommendation.

          I suspect that what you perceive to be negative in my review are those comments which aim to clarify who I think would be the "right reader". I remain of the opinion that the book tries to cover a bit too much ground and, as a consequence, skimps on its coverage of object oriented programming. So I disagree with the claim that the book would be a good choice for someone with no "experience with computer programming". It might indeed get them up and running. Whether it would teach them good practices and give them a deep understand of object orientation is, I think, questionable.

          I may have been a little over critical of your first comment here, however, since you seemed to suggest that I was giving an uninformed opinion (i.e. like a film critic who writes about but cannot make films). That’s why I thought I needed to clarify that I am in fact a professional developer.

          It may be worth pointing out that I have also written numerous tutorials for beginner programmers (I have worked as a programming columnist for magazines such as PC Pro and PC Plus for the last couple of decades as well as writing more extensive tutorials such as The Book Of Ruby) so I am not totally unaware of the problems faced by beginners.

          I really don’t mind at all criticism of my criticisms ;-) - it’s a simple fact that different readers like different books - but I think it is worth clarifying that my opinions are not just pulled out of the air but are, in fact, based on relevant experience.

          all the best

