If you have a web site one thing you would no doubt love to do is what this book promises: Get to No.1 on Google. But how exactly do you do it and what exactly does it mean to “get to number one” anyway?
This book takes you through the process of identifying what you want to achieve from Google searches (for example, which words in a search you would like to lead people to your site) and then finding ways of optimising your site to accomplish that.
If you have never given any thought to search-engine optimisation (SEO), the book will be invaluable to you. If, on the other hand, you have studied the subject to some extent you may already be familiar with many of the tips and tricks described: using keywords, choosing a domain name, using header and meta tags, giving Google-friendly names to specific web pages and so on. In fact, this book goes into these and other topics in more detail than most SEO-amateurs (like me) are likely to be familiar with. Moreover, it also provides advice on additional tools you can use to optimise and analyse your web site. It explains how to submit a site to Google, create a site map, the different types of links you can use and how they affect Google’s ranking and how to make the best use of press releases and Google AdWords.
Whether all this effort will ultimately result in your achieving a Number One ranking for your web site is debatable. Maybe for some search words some of the time you will. But given the huge number of competing web sites, it’s obviously impossible for all web sites to achieve this goal all of the time. Realistically, the best you can hope for is to make your site rise towards the top of relevant search results rather than sink towards the bottom.
‘Get to No. 1 on Google’ gives good, solid advice, on how to do that. As with the other books in the ‘in easy steps’ series, it is relatively short (just over 200 pages), very nicely designed with lots of colour throughout and fairly inexpensive. All in all, a very worthwhile easy-reference book for anyone who wants to find ways of promoting a web site.