I read today that Her Gracious Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II, will launch her Facebook page this week.
This is not her first Internet venture, however. She already has her own YouTube channel http://www.youtube.com/user/TheRoyalChannel where you can watch her performing a variety of fascinating Royal functions such as presiding at state banquets and visiting cat and dog homes. And she is a regular tweeter on Twitter (though one supposes that possibly some of her various attendants of ladies in waiting might occasionally help out with this).
I was interested to note that the Royal Twitter feed has almost 70,000 followers. But how many Twitter feeds does Her Majesty herself follow? Answer: 0.
As I still vaguely entertain the hope that Her Majesty may one day see fit to bestow upon me some trifling title, honour, estate or knighthood for my services to trash journalism, I shall resist the (admittedly very tempting) urge to draw any conclusions from this fact about the nature of the relationship between the British Monarch and her subjects....