Unloved, unused and unnecessary, the J# language which insisted on installing itself into Visual Studio whether you wanted it or (as seems by far the more likely) not, has now passed on to silicon Heaven...
This largely unremarked event occurred on January 10th 2007. I must admit I hand’t noticed. The Internet can hardly said be be alive with cries of pain and anger at its passing. In fact, but for the eagle-eyed Marco Cantu who mentioned this on his blog today, I might never have known of this fateful event.
According to Microsoft...
Since customers
How many customers? I am inclined to ask...
have told us that the existing J# feature set largely meets their needs and usage of J# is declining,
Declining from a high of just how many? I’d be curious to know...
Microsoft is retiring the Visual J# product and Java Language Conversion Assistant tool to better allocate resources for other customer requirements.
Read the obituary here: