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Komodo 4.1 Released

The dynamic language IDE takes on Rails
Monday 21 May 2007.

ActiveState has just released an update to their Komodo IDE for dynamic languages (see my review of Komodo 4.0).

The principal new feature is better support for Ruby On Rails. I’d like to say more about this, I really would, but as regular readers know I have decided to avoid critical comment of Ruby development tools for the simple reason that, when not editing Bitwise, I am one of the developers of the Ruby In Steel IDE for Visual Studio - a fact which inevitably calls into question any claim to impartiality...

Suffice to say, I think Komodo is a fine IDE. While I don’t accept some of the claims ActiveState are making for the superiority of its Ruby On Rails tools, I will at least say that if I had to use somebody else’s IDE, then Komodo is the one I’d choose.

In short, in my highly biased opinion, if you want to develop Ruby (with or without Rails) in Visual Studio, you should use ours; if you want to program multiple dynamic languages or develop on different platforms, use theirs. If you don’t want to spend any cash, use someone else’s.

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  • Komodo 4.1 Released
    23 May 2007, by Daniel Berger

    One of the things that has irritated me with both Komodo and NetBeans is the project management. I cannot stand virtual projects and/or folders, as it gets very confusing very quickly trying to remember just where on your filesystem the files actually live. At least NetBeans gives me the "files" tab, so I can see it if I so choose.

    Eclipse does this right, and it ties back into SCM integration. For example, in Eclipse I can just go to the CVS browser, and checkout the project as-is. If I checkout win32-mmap, the project is automatically titled ’win32-mmap’, and the filesystem layout matches the CVS directory layout, with ’win32-mmap’ as the toplevel directory in my $HOME/workspace directory. Easy, peasy. I was unable to do this with NetBeans, because it complained that the project name conflicted with the toplevel directory name. Dumb.

    I couldn’t figure out how to do it at all with Komodo. I haven’t seen how Ruby In Steel handles project management.
