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Lazarus - write once, compile anywhere

The future of Pascal?
Monday 24 September 2012.

You may have missed this news, in which case I take great pleasure in letting you know that version 1.0 of Lazarus has finally been released.

Version 1 of what you say...?

Lazarus is a fantastic, free visual development environment that has a good code editor, a drag-and-drop interface designer and an integrated debugger. It runs on Windows, OS X and Linux. You can design and code on one platform then compile and debug on another. I’ve been using it daily for the past few weeks and it is remarkably good. It supports Object Pascal (via the Free Pascal compiler) and is closely compatible with Embarcadero’s (formerly Borland’s) Delphi. I was the Delphi columnist for PC Plus magazine for over ten years and I love Object Pascal. In the good old days, there used to be free versions of Delphi available - but not any more. Lazarus plus Free Pascal are a great free alternative. Give them a try.


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  • Lazarus - write once, compile anywhere
    4 October 2012, by BradC

    it might be time to think about porting Sapphire Steel to Lazarus as it looks like MS will lose a lot of market share with the disaster that is VS12

    • Lazarus - write once, compile anywhere
      5 October 2012, by Huw Collingbourne

      Much as I like Lazarus, I don’t seriously think it’s likely to make much of a dent in the Visual Studio market! :-)

  • Lazarus - write once, compile anywhere
    30 September 2012, by Mike James

    Now that Delphi seems to be on such a short update cycle before having to buy a newer version, Lazarus/Freepascal looks more and more tempting.
