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Make pro videos on an amateur budget

free video series
Sunday 30 March 2014.

Over the past few years I’ve taught multimedia courses on a number of eLearning sites such as Udemy, Skillfeed, CodeProject and Adobe Knowhow.

More recently I have self-hosted courses on my own web site, BitwiseCourses. Teaching online can be an interesting and rewarding business. If you do it right, it can also be financially profitable. But how do you get started? And do you need to invest a lot of money to buy cameras and other equipment? The answer to the second question is No!, it really need not cost much to begin making high-quality videos. In answer to the first question: How do you get started?, well, you might want to follow my new YouTube series, The Video Samurai, which will give you the information you need. Two videos have just gone online. More to follow. To keep up to date with all my latest videos, be sure to Subscribe to the BitwiseCourses YouTube channel.

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