Well, the pigs have started to fly. Microsoft has introduced a tool that makes it easier for the poor, ignorant, un-enlightened VB 6 user to use .NET forms – in a VB6 application. Woo-hoo!!
Let’s see now: VB6 was released about eight years ago, and .NET about 5 years ago. And it’s taken this long for Microsoft to twig that there is a whole raft of VB 6 users out there who are perfectly content to sit on their wallets and not fork out good cash for VB .Net.
The tool in question is the Interop Forms Toolkit 1.0 and it looks to be part of what the doctor ordered for VB6 users beached by Microsoft’s insane decision to dump VB6 in favour of VB .NET. Not to put too fine a point on it, the market has rejected VB.NET in its current form. I’m not going to go over the arguments as to why the last language you should chose to upgrade to from VB6 is VB .NET: to my mind it’s a no-brainer choice to go with C#. If you’re going to have to re-write your application, you might as well write it in something that’s certainly going to stay around.
I’ve some experience here having previously written a reasonably sized application in VB .NET and one I’m now working on in C#. You can write perfectly good applications in both, but I have absolutely no regrets whatsoever in switching to C#. It’s better supported, with far more examples of how to do things out there on the web and its obviously Microsoft’s favoured language child. Put it another way, where do you think Microsoft’s language A Team (headed up by Anders Hejlsberg) work? It’s not VB .NET, I can tell you that.