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Visual Design for Adobe Flex and Flash

Amethyst 2
Tuesday 21 May 2013.

My company, SapphireSteel Software, today launched a new version of Amethyst - our professional-grade IDE for Adobe Flash and Flex.

Adobe’s own Flash Builder IDE for the Flex framework has actually removed its visual designer for the latest release. By contrast, we’ve extended the Amethyst visual designer. It can now be used to design form-like interfaces for ordinary Flash (non-Flex) applications as well as for Flex.

There is a lot more than visual design in Amethyst 2, however. It also has an obfuscater, a profiler, support for games development with the Starling framework and tools to deploy mobile apps to iOS and Android. But, best of all, in my opinion, it has a great debugger that lets you step into method-calls in a series of linked bubbles. Here’s a quick preview of this...

More on the SapphireSteel Software web site.

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