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UK Prime Minister’s Site Votes Him Out
The perils of online engagement

29 April 2009

by Huw Collingbourne

The British Prime Minister, Gordon Brown, is determined to come to grips with the online world. But to date his exploits online have not been entirely happy ones.

First there was the scandal over a couple of his spin doctors plotting to smear members of the Conservative opposition party. Then there was his less than enthralling attempt to launch new policies on YouTube (The Times says that comments to that video were subsequently disabled). And now...

Now, the official site of the Prime Minister has a wonderfully democratic online voting system which lets British citizens start a petition and see how many other people sign up to it. In principle, I suppose, the most popular petitions should be expected to get the Prime Minister’s most serious and active consideration. A shame then that the most popular petition at the moment is this one...

If you feel the urge to add your name, the petition can be found here: http://petitions.number10.gov.uk/please-go/