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Alien Skin Lens Plug-in - coming soon
21 November 2008
by Huw Collingbourne
Alien Skin will be launching a new lens simulation plug-in for Photoshop - just in time for Christmas!
I’ve just got some advance news of the new Alien Skin ‘Bokeh’ Lens Simulation Plug-in. No, I didn’t know what Bokeh meant either. I am told that it is the Japanese word for ‘blur’....
Anyway, The Bokeh plug-in is said to do accurate lens simulation to manipulate focus and depth of field in a photograph. For example, it will let you select the subject in Photoshop and then blur the background to give the impression that the shot was taken with a lower f-stop.
Alien Skin claims to have performed experiments with various professional quality camera lenses to ensure that they mimic the depth-of-field effects accurately. Alien Skin will announce Bokeh on the 1st of December. You can read a bit more about it here: http://www.alienskin.com/bokeh.