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Security and Privacy On Your PC - Free eBook!
updated: 9th August, 2008

1 February 2008

by Huw Collingbourne

There are many reasons someone or some organization out in the Internet might want to penetrate your Windows computer. Here are a few examples –

- To secretly install software that steals your passwords or financial information
- To enrol your computer as a bot that secretly sends out junk email or spam
- To implant software that tracks your personal web surfing habits
- To destroy programs or data on your PC

Your goals are to—
- Prevent installation of secretly-installed software or malware
- Identify and eliminate any malware that does get installed
- Prevent malware from sending information from your computer out into the web
- Prevent any other secret penetration of your computer

...so writes Howard Fosdick, in his free eBook, ‘How to Secure Your Windows Computer and Protect Your Privacy — with Free Software’. The book covers a range of important topics from virus prevention to unauthorized data access. If you want to protect yourselves from the bad guys, do yourself a favour - read this eBook!