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CodeGear - Delphi, JBuilder and Beyond...

Developments in Development Tools
Friday 11 April 2008

The last couple of years have seen a great many changes for CodeGear - not least the name! The company that I knew for so many years as ‘Borland’ has been reborn as a new company with a new name but it is, nonetheless, owned by the old company with the old name. Just in case you missed these developments I should explain that Borland - the company that I have always associated with developer tools - has transformed itself into a company that specialises in mysterious acronyms such as ALM (Application Lifecycle Management) and SDO (Software Delivery Optimization) - terms which, in my ignorance, I must confess mean next to nothing to me. Meanwhile, the ‘real’ Borland - the Borland that gave the world a range of fast ‘Turbo’-branded compilers and the ‘Visual Pascal’ Delphi language - has now condensed into CodeGear.

What exactly are CodeGear doing right now? That's what I wanted to find out when I spoke to CodeGear's Jason Vokes (EMEA Senior Director Sales & Marketing) and Jon Harrison (Lead Technical Evangelist and Product Manager for Java products). I should say that the one thing we didn't talk about (at my request) was CodeGear's Ruby On Rails IDE, 3rd Rail. This is due, quite simply to the fact that, as a developer of a competing IDE, Ruby In Steel, I have a clear conflict of interest. You should read into that omission nothing (pro or con) about that product. One of the major new releases from CodeGear is JBuilder 2008, the second Eclipse-based version of its Java IDE. The big new feature CodeGear are pushing in this is something called ‘application factories'. Which are, what (...)
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Building your own Language – without tears

Dermot Hogan looks at what’s required to build your very own computer language using two new – and remarkable – tools. Microsoft’s Dynamic Language Runtime and ANTLR3 by Terrence Parr from the University of San Francisco.
Wednesday 2 April 2008

In this series, I’m going to start at the bottom of the DLR pond and work upwards towards the light.Specifically, I’m going to construct an ANTLR tree grammar for a calculator and show you how to wire this into a DLR framework. This is about as simple as you can get with the DLR and still do something meaningful. It’s a lot simpler than the Microsoft example, ToyScript, which comes with the Iron Python distribution. I’ve tried hard to pare the calculator example down to the absolute minimum required to actually do something non-trivial. But I don’t want to denigrate ToyScript – it’s an excellent example of how to use the DLR, but in my view it’s not quite introductory enough.

See also: Part One Part Three To build your own language in the DLR you need two things. First off, the DLR itself. Secondly, ANTLR3. The DLR you can get from CodePlex. This is the Iron Python distribution and (according to Microsoft will contain the latest version of the DLR for the near future). Currently this is DLR beta 1 - the first official beta of the DLR, released a couple of weeks ago. To avoid you having to download the whole of Iron Python when all you want is the DLR, I've built a complete project sample which contains the DLR (and ANTLR3). The DLR source code is distributed under Microsoft's Public Licence (there's a copy in the zip) and is free. Similarly, ANTLR3 is distributed under the BSD license and is also free. ANTLR3 is currently released as 3.0.1 (you can (...)
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Flexible Rails

Book Review
Monday 31 March 2008

Flexible Rails $49.99 (or $20 PDF)
by Peter Armstrong
Manning http://www.manning.com/armstrong/
592 pages
ISBN: 1-933988-50-9

Adobe's Flex and Ruby On Rails are two of the most fashionable web technologies at the moment. Flex enables programmers to create slick interactive applications in a browser or on the desktop - typically using a graphic front-end rendered using Flash. Ruby On Rails is a combination of a database-driven web application framework (Rails) and a dynamic programming language (Ruby) - typically it uses a standard HTML front-end created using HTML templates which can be controlled using the Ruby language. You might be forgiven for thinking that Flex and Ruby On Rails are two mutually exclusive technologies. Not so! Peter Armstrong's book explains how you can create a Rails application to handle most of the data manipulation tasks and link it into a Flex-based front end. The book teaches (...)
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The Sapphire Programming Language

The birth of a language...
Tuesday 18 March 2008

Our new series on writing a programming language is more than just a theoretical endeavour. Its author, Dermot Hogan, will, over the course of the next few months, be developing an implementing a new programming language called Sapphire. His series will explain the process in detail. It will also explain the techniques needed to create some other language of your choice to run on Microsoft’s Dynamic Language Runtime.

Dermot and I have been planning Sapphire for several years. In fact, our intention to create this language determined the name of our development company, SapphireSteel Software. We created the Steel IDE for Visual Studio which, in its present incarnation, provides editing, debugging and design tools for the Ruby language (and its variants, JRuby and IronRuby). That product is called Ruby In Steel and, from the very earliest stages of its development, it was our plan to release, at a later stage, a different product called Sapphire In Steel. The development cycle that will culminate in that product is just beginning. As the Sapphire language does not currently exist (except in our minds), we have to create it! Designing and implementing a programming language is a seductively (...)
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Can’t Add WPF Controls From Toolbox?

Problem and Fix For VS2008 WPF Apps
Monday 10 March 2008

My attempts to design a nice shiny front end to my C# applications using Microsoft’s new WPF (the rather forgettable abbreviation of the longwinded ‘Windows Presentation Foundation’ Framework), were, initially, sorely frustrated. I fired up Visual Studio 2008, started a WPF Application and tried dropping some controls onto it - no deal!

The darn thing let me drag but it wouldn't let me drop! I spent a happy hour trying to figure out what the heck I might be doing wrong. Was I expected to add controls in hand-crafted code, maybe? Nah, why would the Toolbox be there it that was the case? So maybe there was some obscure configuration property I had to set? Or could it be that Windows Vista was (once again) refusing to let me do some perfectly reasonable task because, for reasons of its own, it had decided I was an unfit person? Anyway, just in case you've had this problem too, let me put your out of your misery. I eventually Googled down the answer in a Microsoft forum. These are the steps you have to take: 1. Exit Visual Studio 2. Navigate to your user profile directory for Visual Studio (this is found at (...)
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DLR - Build Your Own Language (without tears)

A developer’s guide to the Dynamic Language Runtime
Monday 3 March 2008

Dermot Hogan looks at what’s required to build your very own computer language using two new – and remarkable – tools: Microsoft’s Dynamic Language Runtime and ANTLR3 by Terrence Parr from the University of San Francisco.

See also: Part Two of this series Ever had trouble learning a computer language in the past? Well why not dump the C++ manuals and start writing your very own language to do exactly what you want? If this sounds impossibly difficult, or only suitable for Computer Science professors – it was until very recently. But two new developments have made language writing (as opposed to reading) possible for mere mortals. The first is ANTLR3- a totally new version of the highly popular ANTLR2 parser system (http://www.antlr.org/). And the second is Microsoft's revolutionary Dynamic Language Runtime – the DLR (see: http://www.codeplex.com/IronPython). So what's this DLR thing? It's not that easy to find out what the DLR is. There's not much information about it around and what (...)
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Iron Ruby IDE - Free

Download and play
Thursday 28 February 2008

When not writing articles for Bitwise, I happen to be a director of SapphireSteel Software - the software company responsible for the Ruby In Steel IDE for Visual Studio.

Microsoft is currently developing a version of the Ruby language called IronRuby to run on the Dynamic Language Runtime (DLR) for .NET. IronRuby is still in the pre-alpha stage so there are inescapable limitations on the kind of dedicated support we can offer in our IDE. Even so, I'm pleased to say that we today launched the first public alpha of Ruby In Steel for IronRuby. In addition to comprehensive editing support we also have the first and only drag and drop form designer for IronRuby. If this is something that is of interest to you, grab yourself a free copy of Ruby In Steel For Iron Ruby here: (...)
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Adobe Flex 3 - Open Sourced, Released Today

The face of future applications development?
Monday 25 February 2008

Adobe had today released the Flex 3 framework and the FlexBuilder 3 IDE. This is an exciting development for anyone interested in creating rich interactive applications (RIA) for both the desktop and the web. A couple of days ago I spoke to Steven Heintz (senior product manager for Flex), and started out by asking him about Flex’s new AIR framework. Like, for instance, what exactly is it, anyhow...?

“AIR is going to redefine how people think of RIA,” Heintz says, “It can be used to create applications in a browser, on a desktop or in devices.” EBay already has an AIR application in development. This lets users work offline - preparing listings to be uploaded, say - and then connect onto EBay to buy or sell items. Flex gives the developer the ability to create graphical user interfaces with drag and drop, move and resize capabilities which are completely cross-browser and cross-OS compatible. Since Flex applications generally use Flash as the front-end display technology, any browser capable of hosting the Flash Player can host a Flex application without having to mess about with all the tweaks and fixes that plague cross-platform development using HTML (...)
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Monkeypatching, Ruby and Smalltalk

Programming Power - but at a price...
Sunday 24 February 2008

I just came across an interesting article called “Monkeypatching is Destroying Ruby” on a blog with the admirable name, ‘Virtuous Code’. The author, Avdi Grimm, a long-time Ruby programmer, observes that the current trend among many Ruby developers is to extend the functionality of existing code using metaprogramming. This practice is called “Monkeypatching” - a term that is new to me but seems appropriately descriptive.

Metaprogramming is a powerful capability of Ruby. It describes the ability to treat data as code. So, for example, it is quite possible to evaluate a string at runtime such as “def x(y);puts(y.reverse);end” and end up with a completely new method called x bound into the program that is currently running! Moreover, such methods can be bound into standard Ruby classes such as Array or even Object - the class from which all other classes descend - so that the entire behaviour of every single Ruby class can be changed on the fly as the program executes. You can, in a similar way, modify the behaviour of existing methods or even create entire new classes. This is great stuff and, when used with care, can be extremely powerful. Metaprogramming is, for example, used all over the (...)
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Visual Studio 2008 plus Expression Studio - FREE!

Microsoft Give-away
Tuesday 19 February 2008

MS Windows Server 2003 and xna Game Studio are also free. Yes, really and truly, Microsoft is giving away the full versions of all that software for zero cost.

Just one catch. You have to be a student in order to get it. Still, that sounds like a pretty good deal to me. No longer will cash-strapped students be faced with a choice of Eclipse or Eclipse. Read more on the Microsoft DreamSpark (Channel 8) site then (if you qualify), get ready to download.
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Learn A Language Online

More online communities...
Wednesday 13 February 2008

Following my recent blog on the LiveMocha online language-learning community, I’ve now discovered a few other similar (to some degree) communities.

Babbel is nice and friendly-looking and has a decent amount of ready-to-learn content to help you learn themed lists of vocabulary. It does this by showing pictures with words shown beneath while a native speaker pronounces them. You can use these to extend your German, French, Italian or Spanish. It doesn't provide a full ‘course' (like LiveMocha) however, so is best regarded as an addition to a traditional course rather than a replacement for it. On Palabea you can learn a variety of languages - English, French, Italian, Hindi, Russian, Chinese and more. The learning content is not all ‘ready to run', however. Instead, users can write or record material to help others studying their native language. The whole idea is very much ‘community based' with learners and (...)
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LiveMocha - the Facebook for Language Learners?

Learn a language online
Monday 11 February 2008

Language learning at home can be a frustrating and lonely business. Sure. you can buy course books or CD tutorials but, even so, keeping up the motivation can be hard work. I know. I’ve tried and failed far too often with far too many languages.

LiveMocha, therefore, strikes me as a very interesting idea. This is a community or ‘social network' of language learners. As with established social networking sites such as Facebook and MySpace, you have to sign up to gain access and then you can (if you wish) make friends with other members who share the same interests. The one interest everyone on LiveMocha has is learning a language. In principle, this means that learners of a language may either make friends with other learners or with native speakers of that language. I've enrolled on the Hindi course. Here the man on the left is informing the girl on the right - “You are not a man. You are a woman.” Which is perhaps not the best chat-up line I've ever heard... Even if you are not the friend-making type, (...)
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The Next Big Thing In Programming

What, When and Where is it...?
Monday 4 February 2008

Over the last thirty years or so, computer programming has been singularly devoid of Big Ideas. We’ve seen waves of YACLL (‘Yes Another C-Like Language’) with the odd Basic or Pascal variants to please programmers with an aversion to curly brackets. Some of have been good, others less so. But none of them (that I am aware of) has had the ‘knock-your-socks-off’ factor.

From C++ to Java to C# to (what some people believe to be the best of the YACLLs) D, these languages have toyed with syntax and tinkered with object orientation; some have compiled to native code and others to bytecode. They've made changes and they've made ‘improvements'. But on the whole their differences have been pragmatic - mundane, even - rather than visionary or revolutionary. Their goal has to get the job done rather than to change the nature of the job itself. In the long history of programming they will, ultimately, all be seen as ‘more or less the same thing' doing ‘more or less the same job'. Recently the fashion has been for ‘scripting languages' - a whole slew of them. Some of them are broadly YACLL (Perl, PHP), while others (Ruby, Python, Lua), (...)
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Security and Privacy On Your PC - Free eBook!

updated: 9th August, 2008
Friday 1 February 2008

There are many reasons someone or some organization out in the Internet might want to penetrate your Windows computer. Here are a few examples –

To secretly install software that steals your passwords or financial information To enrol your computer as a bot that secretly sends out junk email or spam To implant software that tracks your personal web surfing habits To destroy programs or data on your PC Your goals are to— Prevent installation of secretly-installed software or malware Identify and eliminate any malware that does get installed Prevent malware from sending information from your computer out into the web Prevent any other secret penetration of your computer ...so writes Howard Fosdick, in his free eBook, ‘How to Secure Your Windows Computer and Protect Your Privacy — with Free Software'. The book covers a range of important topics from virus prevention to unauthorized data access. (...)
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Windows Media Player 11 and Vista - Video But No Audio

The fix...
Monday 28 January 2008

In my review of the book ‘Windows Vista Annoyances’ recently, I mentioned the problems I was having when viewing MPG videos in Windows Media Player. These used to play fine. But now they just playing the video without any audio. These problems seem to have crept in since I installed Windows Vista and Windows Media Player 11.

‘Windows Vista Annoyances' has helped me fix a number of problems and glitches in Vista - but not this one. Which meant that I had no option but to use my usual brute-force strategy of aggressive Googling. It took me a while but I eventually tracked down the problem (sorry, I can't recall where). The solution was to download and install something called AC3Filter. I must say that I had no idea at the time what this was and even now I have only the vaguest of ideas. For the benefit of more audio-visually clued-up readers, here is the official description: AC3Filter is a high quality free audio decoder and processor filter. It allows media players to playback movies with AC3 and DTS audio tracks. Also it can process any audio track, much of processing options allows to adjust (...)
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Windows Vista Annoyances

Book Review
Tuesday 22 January 2008

Windows Vista Annoyances - $34.99 (£21.99)
by David A. Karp
O’Reilly http://www.oreilly.com/
642 pp.
ISBN-10 0-596-52762-4
ISBN-13 978-0-596-52762-4


“Windows Vista is like a papaya: sleek on the outside, but a big mess on the inside.” No, not my words (though I confess to being broadly sympathetic to the sentiment) but those of David A. Karp, author of O'Reilly's ‘Windows Vista Annoyances'. I get the distinct impression, however, that when Karp says this of Vista he's being a little more flattering than he really intends. Read on and you'll soon find out that he doesn't really think it's sleek on the outside at all! The Control Panel, he says, is “a hodge-podge of modern web-like pages and older, pre-Vista tabbed dialog Windows. Some of the dialog windows date back more than a decade to Windows 95...”. The Windows Explorer doesn't exactly get an unqualified thumbs-up either: “The defaults are (...)
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Morfik - Turbo-Charged AJAX!

Monday 14 January 2008

Morfik’s WebOS AppsBuilder is an innovative product which lets you create dynamic web applications written in Java, C#, Basic or Pascal. Here Bitwise speaks to Morfik co-founder, Shahram Besharati.

Morfik WebOS AppsBuilder is described as “a complete professional design tool for creating, managing and deploying dynamic Web 2.0 applications. We first wrote about it in July 2007 (see “Web Applications Without Tears”). Our main criticism at that time was its price - $5000 per developer. Morfik has now dropped the price to $995. Visit the Morfik web site at: http://www.morfik.com/. Bitwise: First, can you explain, briefly, what Morfik WebOS is and how it related to AppsBuilder? Besharati: We consider the Web, itself, and its supporting technology such as web servers, browsers, plug-ins, etc, to be a self sufficient operating system. You can essentially write complex and sophisticated applications that will run inside a web browser, regardless of the underlying (...)
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An Easy Way to Manage SQL Queries

...using OoRexx
Tuesday 8 January 2008

Ever have to manage users’ SQL queries? If so, you know you need some sort of automated mechanism. Sometimes you can achieve this with features built into the database, such as stored procedures or SQL queries that reside in a data dictionary. In other cases you can employ a front-end query tool for this purpose. Still another option is to build your own interface.

The roll-your-own approach requires the most effort, but it yields the big advantage that it can be tailored specifically for your users' needs. You can analyze exactly what your users need and build a query system that perfectly matches their requirements. This article describes a simple, single-program query management tool. The tool makes it easy to establish a set of SQL database queries that users can select from a menu system that runs on their own personal computer. The system is easy to set up, can be tailored to manage any desired query set, and is flexible in its back-end database support. The Design Figure 1 shows how a typical query panel appears to the user. Figure 1 It lists however many queries have been defined in the system's query control file (in this example, (...)
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Ruby On Rails with Visual Studio For Under $50!

Ruby In Steel Text Edition
Monday 7 January 2008

As I mentioned in my last blog post, while other people were spending a relaxing Christmas and New Year, I was hard at work getting the new version of our Ruby On Rails IDE ready for launch. Well, it launched today. It’s called Ruby In Steel Text Edition and it comes complete with its own copy of Visual Studio 2008 at no extra cost.

The whole lot will set you back a very modest $49 (that's around £27 in British money). If you've ever wanted to get into Ruby or Rails programming and you are looking for quality development tools that won't cost a fortune this is your perfect opportunity... More info on the SapphireSteel Software site. OK, enough of the hard sell already. I think I've earned an afternoon off so I'm going to take the dog for a nice long walk. Then, tomorrow, with luck, I may finally have a bit of time to get back to work on some Bitwise features...
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Happy New Year!

...normal service will be resumed as soon as possible.
Thursday 3 January 2008

It’s been a busy holiday period for us. First of all we moved the entire Bitwise site - articles, databases, content management system et al - from one server to another. And, as if that wasn’t enough to be doing, my software company has also been working on a new release (which we will announce on our site next week).

This frenzy of activity behind the scenes has meant (ironically) that things may have seemed a little quiet on the Bitwise site recently. That will all change shortly. We have some great new features all ready and waiting to go online any day now. Watch for more developments next week. In the meantime, have a good 2008! best wishes Huw
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