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WAMP :: Windows - Apache - MySQL - PHP
Quick Start Guide


Use this quick-start guide to help you set up the software you’ll need to create Blogs… or to program in PHP… or to develop other kinds of web-based applications on a Windows-based PC. If your site is Linux-hosted, no problem - the software we’ll use is available on both platforms, so you can develop on Windows and upload to run on Linux. And best of all, it’s free!

The Apache Server is one of the principal elements which can help you design applications on your PC using Windows for deployment on the Web using Linux

There is now a huge range of Open Source software programmed using PHP. Code written in the PHP language can be embedded directly into a web page. Just before each page is displayed on screen, a processing program interprets the PHP code and replaces it with HTML. The resulting page may combine design elements read in from one or more HTML and CSS (Cascading Style Sheet) files, plus data stored in separate files or in a database. In this way, style (the page layout) and the content (the data) may be stored independently and combined on-the-fly when pages are viewed.

This technique has proven to be useful for the creation of all kinds of internet and intranet applications such as advertising management systems, collaborative books or ‘Wikis’, shopping carts and internet discussion forums.

Many of these applications are loosely described as Content Management Systems (CMS). Some CMSes are aimed at fulfilling specific functions - for example, creating Web logs or ‘Blogs’. Others may contain numerous interlinked features for the creation of anything from a multi-author book to an entire interactive community with discussion forums, polls, online shopping and more.

From WAMP To LAMP...

Sometimes a CMS may call itself a ‘portal’. This is not a precise term and means different things to different people. In a broad sense, a portal can be thought of as an online collaborative community. Just remember that a CMS that calls itself a portal is likely to have more features (and will probably, therefore, be more complicated to set up and manage) than one that calls itself a Blog.

We shall be looking in more detail at various types of CMS in the coming months. For now, however, let’s consider what you will need in order to use one of these systems. In most cases you will require a minimum of an operating system running a web server and a programming (or ‘scripting’) language capable of generating or modifying HTML pages. Typically (though not invariably) you will also need a database server.

There are many possible candidates to fulfil each of these functions. A common combination provided by web hosting services is the Linux operating system, the Apache web server, the MySQL database and the PHP language. For short, this combination is sometimes called LAMP.

But when developing your CMS project, it is often more convenient to do so on your desktop PC rather than having to keep uploading files for testing to your web host. Your PC is more likely to be running Windows than Linux. Fortunately, the same combination of server, database and programming software is available for Windows, in which case it is called WAMP - Windows, Apache, MySQL and PHP. Incidentally, the same acronym is also used by programmers who favour the Perl or Python languages. In fact, PHP is the most commonly used language for Open Source CMS development and so that’s the one we shall stick to for the time being.

First Install The Software...

If you want to get started with local PHP development on your PC, refer to our installation guides to:

See also: Our Introduction To CMS

October 2005



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