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issue: #6
Useless Source Code?


It was really funny to read Dr. Dermot Hogan’s article "The Worst Things In Life Are Free". It was impressive how he could completely miss the point of having the source-code:

"It's true that there are all these Linux support forums out there who will help you. And I'm sure they do – if the question is of interest to anyone reading. But the thing about support (paid support) is that someone is funded to hack through the uninteresting stuff and get back to you. So what's the difference between paid Red Hat support and paid Sun support? So long as I get the bug fixed, not a lot. The point is that the source code is useless to me as an individual – if I want something fixed in a hurry, I have to pay for it. I repeat, the source code is useless."

OF COURSE!!!!! As an individual I wouldn’t touch the source code even of Notepad. But if my company relies on a piece of software, I will sleep much better if I know that if the company supporting it close the door, EOL the product, etc (Kylix anyone?) I have the OPTION to contract some guy to maintain it working until I eliminate all dependencies on it! It is easy to talk about Linux (a big software, that probably no one in the world understand 100% of the source code involved). But let me give another example: 3rd party software for Delphi. I ALWAYS buy the source, and probably I won’t buy it if they didn’t ship the code.

Open Source software isn’t the same as No-cost software!!!! As innovation, it is clear to me that community software isn’t innovative as a whole, but I don’t expect it from them. I like that they push the commercial software to keep getting better or else they will be eaten by the open-sourced one. We have plenty of examples of it: JBoss, Firefox (it is clear that IE 7 is a response to it), Eclipse and many others. The message is clear for the vendors: You have to keep innovating or else you will slowly die. For instance good products aren’t suffering from the open-source "threat". I don’t see any free database coming near to worry Oracle. Why? Maybe because they are innovating? I don’t see many OS DBs implementing something like RAC.

Well, all in all I really like this magazine, but I really think editorials should have stronger argumentations. Maybe all this anger against OS and free software is because they usually don’t buy marketing space in websites?

Leonardo Pasta

CSS - For and Against...


Your Rants and Raves column totally missed the point about CSS. You say that “the only major difference between CSS and HTML is that CSS layouts are harder to do.” Only harder to do if you don’t know what you are doing, I suggest!

In practice, formatting web pages with CSS has so many advantages that I hardly know where to begin. For one thing, CSS give you precision. For another thing, CSS lets you keep the page layout separate from the page content. If you want to change the layout of a site without CSS you are probably going to have to regenerate all pages all over again. With CSS, you can make the change to one CSS file and all the pages instantly inherit the changes.

I rest my case.

Ronald Mark


Your piece about CSS came like a breath of fresh air. I wasted so much time trying to get CSS to do what I needed for a client’s web site but had to give up in the end. Finally, I realised that CSS just is not suitable for complicated layouts, which are usually ‘tabular’ in nature. Guess what is good at tabular layouts? Yup, tables. Can’t think why it took me so long to figure that one out!

Moira Garnston


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