Life After Borland…
Delphi, Kylix, Java, Eclipse, PHP, Ruby
- and is Sun Microsystems right to suggest that Delphi
"got it wrong"? … just
a few of the subjects we talk about with Borland/DevoCo
Chief Scientist, Allen Bauer, in this
exclusive Bitwise interview…
Earlier this year, Borland – a company whose
reputation was based upon the excellence of its development
tools – announced
that it would be divesting itself of its developer
products including JBuilder, C++Builder, C#Builder
and Delphi. In the months since then, the development
product team (the Developer
Tools Group, informally known as 'DevCo')
has continued to work as a loosely connected offshoot
of Borland while negotiations to find a buyer have
been pursued. At the time of writing, no announcement
has yet been made on the longterm future of this
group. Bitwise contacted the group’s Chief
Scientist, Allen Bauer, to ask a few questions about
past, present and future developments related to
Borland programming products. This is what he told
us… |
bitwise: First, can you explain what a development company
Chief Scientist actually does? I mean, do you spend all
day in high-level meetings or are you usually to be found
crouched over a computer terminal whittling away at subtle
and fascinating algorithms of mind-numbing complexity?
Allen Bauer: It all depends on when you ask that question.
Lately I've been heavily involved with the genesis of
the new company being formed as a part of Borland's decision
to divest its IDE business. Much of my time is spent
with the other members of this newly forming entity,
the Developer Tools Group of Borland, to ensure that
we have as smooth of a transition as possible. This is
in terms of what technology we take with us, what technologies
we have to license from Borland, and how all of these
things fit in our long term product roadmaps.
I also don't like to stray too far from the technology
even in the midst of all the change. I am regularly involved
with a myriad of informal hallway conversations with
the product team members on their progress or the various "problems
of the day." I've been with these teams for many,
many years and we all have a very close working relationship.
For instance, a typical conversation will consist of
only a few sentence fragments from each of us since we
have already established the context by who is working
on what. Part of what makes this position so exciting
is to implicitly know that the team members are all pulling
in the same direction. They're all experienced and knowledgeable
enough to the point that when they make design and/or
implementation decisions I can fully trust that they've
considered all the angles. I usually only validate and
help fine-tune those decisions.
Lately my role has also expanded to encompass more than
just the Delphi team. In fact, the Delphi team is actually
more than just Delphi. The entire Borland Developer Studio
team incorporates Delphi, C++Builder, and C#Builder.
I've also been getting more involved with the JBuilder
and InterBase teams and working with their leadership.
Each team is highly focused and dedicated to making the
best products they can, and are being very proactive
in making sure we, "The Developer Tools Group," are
doing the right thing for our customers, the developers.
.NET languages are compiled to an intermediate language which are subsequently
converted to machine code in order to be executed. This language was originally
known as the Microsoft Intermediate Language (MSIL), often abbreviate to IL.
The version of IL defined by the standards organisation, ECMA, is called the
Common Intermediate Language (CIL). |
bitwise: When programming in .NET, no matter what programming
language you use, it is going to be compiled down to
the same thing – MSIL. Given the fact that C# has
been designed from the ground up to take advantage of
.NET, why should anyone choose any other language?
Allen Bauer: There are a lot of things in MSIL (or CIL)
that C# doesn't even take advantage of. Delphi for .NET
is able to leverage many of those features. Also, CIL
still allows a lot of room for innovation within the
context of a specific language. For instance, Delphi
introduced the world to several things that were not
common to a high-performance compiled language. Some
of those features are still very unique to the Delphi
language even for the .NET version. Two that come immediately
to mind are class references and virtual constructors.
To many, these features seem implausible. It is the
combination of class references and virtual constructors
that gave Delphi a lot of its power and its simplicity.
Sure, there are a lot of ways to mimic this behavior
without actually extending the language. To be sure,
.NET makes it even simpler to mimic. However that wasn't
the point. It was about boiling down the problems we
were trying to solve into a simple and cohesive model.
In many ways, .NET took some of these same concepts
and actually complicated them. The good news is that
Delphi keeps those simple language constructs and maps
them on top of the existing .NET CLR, while at the same
time allowing the user to still directly access all that
extra power and complication. This has been the mainstay
of what Delphi is all about. Another point is that you
cannot downplay the fact that Delphi is the only language
out there that allows so much code from the natively
compiled Win32 to be simply recompiled and run as a fully
managed .NET application. It all comes down to simplicity
without sacrificing the power.
bitwise: What innovations can we expect in new versions
of the ‘DevCo’ compilers? Is there any One
Big New Feature that you have lined up - or are future
developments more of a case of small fixes and fine tweaks?
Allen Bauer: First off we’re currently hard at
work on getting the Delphi for .NET compiler up to .NET
2.0 compliance in terms of the language features users
will expect. Partial types, which we call will “class
fragments,” parameterized types (aka. Generics),
etc. At the same time we’re working on getting
VCL/.NET ready for .NET 2.0 and making sure we’ll
be able to run most applications under the 64bit version
of the .NET CLR. The good news about this effort is that
it is also a good place for us to “back port” those
changes into the VCL/Win32 so that version of the framework
is ready for native Win64. I’m very much an advocate
of making sure the work we do today can be leveraged
in the future. These are just a few things that are clearly
highlighted on our published roadmap.
As for some more long-term developments, I obviously
cannot be specific. I can say that there is some thought
and research going into how Delphi, the language, can
take advantage of the latest surge of multi-core processors.
I’m sure most folks have noticed that there has
been a marked slowdown in the rate at which clock speeds
are increasing. While at the same time, the CPU companies
are focusing more on reducing power consumption and more
importantly, on putting more CPU cores onto the same
die. This presents some interesting challenges and opportunities
for tools vendors. With the advent of multi-CPU systems
now showing up on people’s laps, people are still
expecting a performance boost. Rather than simply cranking
up the rate at which a CPU can crunch through an application,
they can now crunch through more than one section of
the same application at the same time. This increases
the need for the average developer to be become more
adept at writing multi-threaded applications. What if
the compiler and the libraries made this easier and more
accessible? It is these kinds of questions we ask ourselves
"Depending on who you talked
to, Borland was either too early or too late to the
Linux market..." |
bitwise: Borland spent some time trying to make a success
in the Linux market without – as far as I am aware – ever
managing to turn this into a profitable business. Was
Kylix a mistake that you’ve since regretted? Or
do you plan to have another go at cracking the Linux
Allen Bauer: Depending on who you talked to, Borland
was either too early or too late to the Linux market.
Personally, I’ve never regretted our foray into
Linux. Even though you cannot characterize it as “wildly
successful” in financial terms, I do count it as
a technological success. By that, I mean it proved that
the teams here are adaptable and can quickly learn new
platforms and technologies.
It was also a great learning
experience for me, personally. I remember working closely
with the compiler team wrestling with all the intricacies
and land-mines associated with PIC (Position Independent
Code) generation and their impact on generating Delphi
packages and dynamic shared-objects. This model differed
greatly from creating Windows binaries which presented
a lot of debugging challenges. Everyday could be counted
as a little victory. To this day, I keep a Linux box
running in my office so that I can at least keep current
on all the latest developments in that market. If there
comes a new opportunity in the future for us to dip our
toe back into the Linux market, I want to be ready.
As of right now, the opportunity on the Windows platform
is sufficiently large and will continue to be. I never
want to close the book on Linux… just maybe place
a book mark between the chapters and pick it up if the
opportunity is sufficient.
bitwise: A generation of programmers has now grown up
developing primarily for the web. Typically, the languages
they use are freely available – such as Python,
Perl and (predominantly) PHP? Does this pose a threat
or an opportunity for a commercial language development
company? Fundamentally, how can you hope to compete with
open source software?
Allen Bauer: Treating emerging markets as a threat is
always a defensive stance, and to be sure we should always
work to defend our market. However, when you look at
these markets as opportunities, you’ve now taken
a proactive, offensive stance.
One thing you didn’t
mention above is Ruby. I personally find Ruby very appealing
for several reasons. It cannot be understated that I
feel a certain level of kinship with the Ruby language
from a pure syntax point of view. When you combine Ruby
with Rails, it begins to look somewhat familiar. PHP
has gotten some critical mass behind it, that’s
for sure, and deserves to be looked at. The same can
be said for Python, Perl, and a host of other emerging
languages. Another thing we are looking as well is the
interest in functional languages such as ML, OCAML, and
even LINQ with its Lambda expressions as a part of C#
As for how the Developer Tools Group can play in the
world of open source, the JBuilder team is a prime example
of what it means for us. This year at the JavaOne 2006
conference in San Francisco, we announced the multi-year
roadmap for the next and subsequent releases of JBuilder.
The next release, code named “Peloton” will
be the first release of the JBuilder product powered
by the Eclipse core. To understand how JBuilder has always
been able to be successful, you have to look back at
how it was able to do this. In fact, once I outline this
strategy, you’ll see that it is actually no different
from any other point in JBuilder’s history.
JBuilder shares a common lineage with Delphi. This is
because JBuilder 1 through 3 were all built on top of
the Delphi IDE core. JBuilder was about taking existing
frameworks such as AWT and Swing, and creating a compelling
Java GUI development tool. This was taking a lot of the
lessons learned from Delphi and adapting them into the
Java market. Starting with JBuilder 4, a completely new
all-Java IDE framework replaced the Delphi IDE core.
This was the Primetime IDE framework. Primetime was built
from the ground-up with extensibility in mind.
this same time, the JBuilder team released the free JBuilder
Foundation product. This was a very usable, and extensible
IDE great for learning and experiencing the Java language
and core frameworks. The number of downloads quickly
eclipsed 1,000,000 (no pun intended.) In today’s
terms, you can equate the JBuilder Foundation edition
with the Eclipse framework plus the JDT (Java Development
Toolkit), which is also freely available. JBuilder’s
Enterprise and Architect editions are where much of the
added value lived. It was the IDE you used if you wanted
to do EJB development. Starting with Peloton, we will
be leveraging the Eclipse framework + JDT. Our development
teams can now “move up the stack” and begin
to add significant value further up the chain. That is
why we call Peloton, “JBuilder, powered by Eclipse.”
If you look at the Java open source community today
there is a lot of activity. From first glance it is hard
to see where a commercial software company can jump in
and begin to make a name for itself. As we began to dig
deeper, it became clear that there were a lot of different
technologies in motion. Yet, none of these individual
pieces really addressed a complete solution or application “stack.”
value that JBuilder is going to bring to this new open
source world is to make sense of all these different “stacklets,” as
we like to refer to it. Right now with Eclipse if you
want to create an enterprise application, you have to
know which pieces you need and how they work together
to form a solution. You have to create several different
projects and somehow get them to work together in a cohesive
fashion. What JBuilder will provide is this cohesiveness.
You’ll be able to say File|New|Web
with all the relevant bits of technology together along
with a visual EJB designer that JBuilder customers have
grown accustom to. So instead of this application being
focused only on proprietary vendor app servers and stacks
as in the past, it can be based on a blended stack of
open-source bits such as JBoss for the app server, Hibernate
for the persistence layer, and JSF for the presentation.
Right now this is how we’re addressing the open
source community within the Java space. The Windows space
is a little different and somewhat slower in adopting
large portions of open source. Of course Delphi has long
been a supporter of open source efforts. If you go back
many years, I remember personally contacting the Joint
Endeavor of Delphi Innovators (or JEDI) group and committing
to help them in any way we could. At that time they were
focused mainly on providing Delphi/Object Pascal translations
of various Windows C header files and other third-party
APIs. We published certain guidelines and even provided
various tools that to this day we still use for the Delphi
build process.
Today JEDI has grown to include many subprojects
and provides a rich set of VCL components and library
classes. Another very successful open source project
that has been embraced by Delphi for many releases is
the Indy internet components. I remember developing some
of the first Windows socket components for Delphi, however
after seeing what the open source community was able
to accomplish with Indy, we decided to deprecate the
internally developed components in favor of the open
source components. Indy remains to this day a very critical
piece of technology that is shipped with Delphi (or Borland
Developer Studio).
"Our conclusion was that bound
method references are unnecessary and detrimental
to the language. This decision was made in consultation
with Borland International, who had previous experience
with bound method references in Delphi Object Pascal."
Micrososystems Inc.)
"This article
clearly misrepresents the views of the Delphi team and
its designers... I absolutely
think that Delphi got it right and no “fixing” is
(Allen Bauer) |
One of the features which characterizes Delphi and has
since been adopted by .NET is the use of delegates. I
recently came across this
document by Sun, which says
that they decided against using delegates in Java “in
consultation with Borland International, who had previous
experience with bound method references in Delphi Object
Pascal.” The document describes delegates as both ‘unnecessary’ and ‘harmful’.
This makes it sound as though Borland itself felt that
Object Pascal had ‘got it wrong’ with delegates.
If that’s the case, when do you plan to fix it
;-) ?
Allen Bauer: Hmmm… that is an interesting article.
I will note that it seems to only mention J++, and not
C# nor even J#, which would seem to indicate its age
(i.e. very old). So the short answer is that this article
clearly misrepresents the views of the Delphi team and
its designers. I have to admit that I was a little surprised
at the content of that article since my recollection
of those times paint a totally different picture. I even
contacted Anders Hejlsberg and Chuck Jazdzewski for some
clarification since they were more directly involved
at that time. Part of the article is very true; Sun did
look closely at Delphi and did consult with many of the
top language and framework designers here at Borland.
However, the conclusion that Sun reached was not at all
shared with the Delphi team. One thing I remember that
Anders is known to have said, and I firmly believe today,
is that good ideas simply don’t go away. I absolutely
think that Delphi got it right and no “fixing” is
needed. If anything, I’d like to look into ways
in which we can get native multicasting back in the Win32
version of Delphi.
bitwise: Various non-mainstream languages and methodologies
are generating quite a bit of interest at the moment
(I’m thinking of languages such as D, Ruby and
the various ‘aspect oriented’ language dialects).
How closely do you follow emerging trends, which do you
personally find of most interest and will any of them
have any impact on DevoCo’s products?
Allen Bauer: I think I’ve covered some of this
in a previous answer, especially with respect to Ruby.
Aspects are also a very interesting and could play a
part in where we plan on taking the Delphi language.
Many times we don’t even need to actively seek
out these other languages and dialects; our customers
bring it to us directly. Some other interesting things
that deserve attention are baking the notion of concurrency
into the language in order to better take advantage of
multi-core hardware. What if the compiler could determine
that a simple loop could possibly be split up and dispatched
to several parallel threads? What about adding the notion
of declarative pre- and post-conditions similar to Eiffel?
All of these are things that I think about and how they
could help the developer.

Allen Bauer
Chief Scientist
Borland Software Corporation |
As a Chief Scientist for the DevCo, Allen Bauer
is responsible for the overall technical and architectural
details of the products. He is also responsible
for the working with product management in researching
and defining future directions and technological
Allen joined Borland in early 1992 as an entry
level engineer on the Turbo Pascal development
team. He was also one of the original developers
for the award winning Delphi product throughout
its inception, initial and all subsequent releases.
During this period, Allen worked on both the application
frameworks and the Integrated Development Environment
(IDE). Allen was responsible for the re-design
of the Delphi IDE into a multi-language, general
purpose environment which now forms the basis of
the Borland Developer Studio.
Prior to joining Borland he was a product design
engineer for a security/access control company
based in St. Louis, Missouri. Allen also served
for a time with the Borland sponsored peer support
group called, Team Borland. (http://www.teamb.com)
He was a regular contributor to discussions on
the Borland forums hosted by online service provider,
Additionally, Allen is a regular speaker at the
annual Borland conference and communicates directly
with the customer community through various online
media, including a personal blog, newsgroup discussions,
and online radio programs. |
June 2006