...an index of features from bitwise
magazine (for a chronological listing, see the Issue
...to SEARCH this site, see our Site
Map and Search page
...some features include animated Flash content
or videos listed in our Media
PROGRAMMING... C-Sharp Adventures
in Coding #1 : intro to C# by coding an adventure
game - serialization :: June 2005 Adventures in Coding #2 : creating class hierarchies
and custom Collections :: June 2005
in Coding #3 : extending the class hierarchy and
virtual methods :: July 2005 Adventures
in Coding #4 : out parameters and overriding
virtual methods :: August 2005 Adventures
in Coding #5 : file saving and loading, then
time to add some puzzles! ::
September 2005
PHP Code
Igniter : interview
with Rick Ellis, creator of this PHP web framework
:: April 2006
Prolog First
Steps in Prolog : an easy introduction to this AI
language :: September 2005 Free
Prologs : a guide to freely available Prolog systems
:: September 2005
RSS / Atom Guide
To RSS - what is it, why is it useful? ::
August 2005 Feed
generation software :: review of software to create
RSS feeds :: August 2005 Feed
reading software ::
review of software to read RSS feeds :: August 2005
Mathematics... CalcCenter
3 : a low-cost alternative to Mathematica? :: August
2005 Maple
10 : high-end maths package :: October 2005 Mathematica
5.2 : high-end maths package :: October
2005 Mathcad
13 : maths/engineering software :: June 2006
Jargon - the formats and acronyms :: June 2005 What is RSS? -
a simple guide to really simple syndication :: August
2005 Guide
To RSS and Atom - basic info on syndication formats
:: August 2005
EDITORIALS issue 1 (June 2005) :: "For
me it all began with an Olivetti M-24 and a copy of Turbo
Pascal 3.2..." issue 2 (July 2005) :: "I have to confess
that I rather like VB .NET..." issue 3 (August 2005) ::
Smalltalk - not just important, also great fun issue 4 (September 2005) :: Has RSS come of age or is
it just for Geeks?
issue 5 (October 2005)
:: What's the next big thing in programming? issue 6 (November 2005) :: Is PHP taking over the web? issue 7 (December 2005) :: Bitwise, the first six months... issue 8 (January 2006) :: "I
really don’t understand what Microsoft is up to...." issue 9 (February 2006) :: "Why
do people keep inventing new programming languages…?" issue 10 (March 2006) ::
Orientation- from Smalltalk to Ruby... issue 11 (April 2006) ::
Frameworks, frameworks everywhere... issue12 (May 2006) :: Does
the world need yet another C-like language? issue13 (June 2006) :: The
return of Turbo Pascal...?
2 :: Delphi For VB Programmers? issue 3
:: more OOP snakeoil and the death of VB issue 4 :: the OOP argument continues... issue 5 :: Borland and the Open Source graveyard issue 6 ::
Open Source and CSS issue 7 :: Wikipedia, friend or foe? issue 8 :: Was Einstein wrong? issue 12 :: A CSS zealot bites back