Over the coming months we
shall be following Dermot's experiences as he learns
to use and program Dolphin
Smalltalk X6. In this
first part, he puts an experimental toe into the
Smalltalk waters before deciding to jump in at
the deep end... |
I last looked at Smalltalk a good few years ago – 1992,
I think. I was considering it for use in a commercial
project that unfortunately never got further than the
drawing board. Before that, I’d come across Smalltalk
in the fabled August 1981 copy of Byte (which I
still have incidentally. And I’m not open
to offers – it’s staying firmly on my bookshelf
in pride of place).
It took me a good eight or nine years from reading Byte
to get to some real understanding of what object orientation
was about. That was simply because I couldn’t get
hold of anything that had an object in (or anywhere near)
it. Borland C++ was the first tool that I came across.
However, as I found out, C++ is not a good way of learning
about object oriented (OO) software. A more inelegant
way and error prone of doing OO is difficult to imagine.
I have to agree with Alan Kay’s comment about C++ “not
being what he had in mind” when he invented OO.
The fundamental problem with the 'C' implementation
of OO is that it is bolted onto a language that was not
designed for OO.
This afternoon, I decided to take another look
at Smalltalk – this time using the newly released
Smalltalk X6. I’d spent the morning writing
in C – plain, unadorned 1980 style C - on a PIC
microcontroller. I was struck at how well it’s
suited to that task. But every time I drop into Visual
Studio C++, I tend to avoid its OO features like
the plague. I really dislike using such crude tools.
Even C# isn’t fully object oriented – you
can’t inherit an enumerated type for example.
But while musing on the OO implications of the
++ operator, I started to think … just how easy
is it to increment an integer in Smalltalk? Can something
like a ++ operator be defined?
To anyone experienced in Smalltalk, that’s probably
a laughably stupid question. But then as a laughably
stupid Smalltalk ‘programmer’ coming to
it again after a fourteen year absence, it struck me
as a good question as any to ask.
So after a quick (it is quick too) installation of Dolphin
Smalltalk X6, I opened a window into the Smalltalk world.
And I suspect that my reaction was pretty similar to
most Smalltalk neophytes: absolute bafflement. How do
you even get started? Fortunately, Dolphin pops up a
help window with a section right at the top ‘Newcomers
start here’. So I did.

Dolphin Smalltalk X6 - a beautiful environment but baffling
for a complete beginner...
The first thing is to create a ‘workspace’.
Easily done, click on the Workspace icon and you’ve
got one. Then following the “Splash” tutorial
(a ‘pre’-tutorial really), I got a desktop
clock, Windows ‘ta-da’ sounds and an introduction
to function calls. Initially, I was impressed by the
desktop clock demo, but on reflection, all it was doing
was calling existing classes. The same could have been
accomplished in C# with more lines of code, admittedly
- but then again, not many more. Still, that’s
carping. The Splash tutorial is good as a very basic
I then followed a fair bit of the more advanced tutorial
before getting bored, at which point I decided to leap
in and splash around on my own. Not with any great success
I must add. I tried to derive a new class from the fundamental ‘SmallInteger’ class
to implement my increment operator. No go. It took me
a bit of time to figure out that Smalltalk won’t
allow this, though I can do what I wanted by containing a SmallInteger in a new class.
This isn’t a criticism. For me, this is fairly
typical of trying to find my way around a new language.
I find that I learn a lot more from things that don’t
work rather than rigorously following a tutorial in which
everything goes like clockwork. What I did get, though,
was a good idea of how the Dolphin environment makes
it easy to create classes and associate methods with
them. It really is a lovely environment to work in.

Whether you are browsing existing classes or creating new
ones, Dolphin has the tool for the job...
Now – onto my real problems with Smalltalk as
a language. Frankly, the Smalltalk mantra that ‘everything
is an object’ gets in the way. In any good object
oriented system, it’s clearly the case that everything
is indeed an object. But Smalltalk forces you to think
like that all the time. The saying that “If you
are a hammer, then every problem looks like a nail” applies
here. Not every problem can be solved by using OO techniques – databases
come particularly to mind; true, there are some large
OO databases around, but relatively speaking, rather
few of them. I find it particularly annoying that Smalltalk
takes OO to the extreme, in that the expression 1
+ 2 * 3 evaluates to 9 and not 7 as you (ok -
I, then) might expect. Compare and contrast Ruby (another
OO language): Ruby gets it ‘right’ while
Smalltalk with its strictly linear “message” metaphor
I’m going to continue my experiments in Smalltalk
not because I want to use Smalltalk for a serious application
(yet), but because there’s a host of good ideas
in there waiting to be exploited and I want to play around.
It really is fun. And I have to say again that Dolphin
is a very nice place indeed to work and play in
Smalltalk. Once you get the hang of it, it’s a
good bit easier than Visual Studio. I think I’m
going to enjoy messing around in Smalltalk over the next
few months.
February 2006 |