A free planetarium program for amateur astronomers
It’s really quite remarkable what you can pick
up for nothing these days. There are people out there
who produce excellent quality, useful software absolutely
for free. One such is Patrick Chevalley, the author of
Cartes du Ciel (http://www.stargazing.net/astropc) – a
planetarium program similar to The
Sky or SkyMap Pro.
However, instead of paying out 70 dollars (or the equivalent
in pounds or euros) all you have to do is download a
15MB file.

du Ciel has few bells and whistles, but does the basics
of sky display well. Best of all it’s
The key thing that a planetarium program does is to
display star positions and some information on the star
in question. Of course, there are other celestial objects
as well as stars – galaxies, nebulae, comets, asteroids
and planets – and Cartes du Ciel also displays
those. There are 15 supported catalogs, including Tycho
and the Guide Star Catalog, though only the Bright Star
Catalog and SKY2000 are included in the base distribution.
This is a reasonable approach since some catalogs are
huge, and it does keep the distribution size down to
around 15MB. But even with the two small catalogs, you
can view 300,000 stars down to magnitude 9.
In common with other planetarium programs, you can
zoom around and display various views of the sky from
different directions using either the keyboard or dockable
toolbars, the stars are nicely coloured and generally
Cartes du Ciel does exactly what you’d expect if
you’ve used similar programs. Is isn’t as
nice graphically as The Sky; instead it has a simpler
look and feel to it, more like SkyMap Pro.
There’s a basic telescope control interface (GOTO)
via a serial port. You can either have the Meade LX200
style controls which are supported by a number of telescope
control manufacturers or you can use the ASCOM standard
interface. But that’s it – if you want to
go further, then you have to roll your own interface.
Now this brings me to one of the interesting things about
Cartes du Ciel: not only is it free, but it comes with
the source code (Delphi 6) under the GNU public license.
Currently, this is only available for the next version
(v. 3) now under development. I’m not sure how
practical it is to go around tweaking the source code – it
depends on how rainy it is outside , I suppose – but
still, it’s there. Also, it has to be said that
if you want a GOTO interface to, say, a top of the range
AstroPhysics mount, then you probably aren’t going
to be that interested saving a few bucks on free software.
I’ve tested the LX200 interface (not on an LX200,
I might add) and it works fine. It does move the telescope
to the star you’ve selected and the telescope’s
position is reported correctly back to the program. However,
the program itself doesn’t seem particularly well
integrated into using a GOTO system. It’s really
there as an add on if you want it.
One thing I missed was the ability to ‘rubber
band’ a section of sky and create a new map window – that’s
one of the real pluses of SkyMap Pro. However, with Cartes
du Ciel one window is the limit, as it is in The Sky,
So far, you might think that Cartes du Ciel is a competent
but basic planetarium program. It works – and works
well. But there are two features I really liked. The
first is the Quick Locate feature. This displays a map
of the entire sky (including those bits below the horizon)
as a Mercator type projection. You just click on the
star you want, and it is then displayed with its surrounding
sky in the main window. I’m always flicking from
star to star and I find this sort of linear map is extremely
helpful. There is one slight problem, however – it’s
quite easy to click on a star below the horizon. It would
be very useful to indicate the visible stars on the Quick
Locate map.

Quick Locate feature is really quite neat. You can find
a star quickly from the complete sky displayed as a Mercator
The second feature I liked was the multiple eyepiece
display. You can define the field of view of several
(up to ten) eyepieces and display them on the map as
circles all at once. You might find this useful when
you’re trying to locate an object and then ‘zoom
in’ on it with a sequence of eyepieces (I often
seem to end up doing this). It turns out there’s
a similar feature in The Sky (which I didn’t know
about until I looked for it – fairly typical of
The Sky: whatever you want is probably in there somewhere.
But where?) and also there’s a less useful ‘finder’ in
SkyMap Pro which is limited to three ‘circles’.

in on a target with a sequence of eyepieces is something
I seem to do quite often. Cartes du Ciel makes this quite
easy with its Eyepieces display
Compared to other planetarium programs, Cartes du
Ciel has few bells and whistles, but it does do the
basics very well. This is in many ways a plus. One of
the problems with well established programs (and not
just in astronomy) is that each new release suffers
from ‘feature
creep’. The authors need to add extras to encourage
people to upgrade. To my mind, this doesn’t always
lead to a better programs. For example, in TheSky you
can alter the ‘fuzziness’ of the stars in
the display. I just can’t think why I’d every
want to do this: I don’t think it’s added
much to the usability of the product. In contrast, the
only thing I configured in Cartes du Ciel was the horizon
colour – I simply couldn’t
live with the default bilious green surround.
My one complaint about Cartes du Ciel is its help system.
Unlike many open source systems, the good news is that
it has one. The bad news is that it isn’t that
great. Still, for something that works, is as good at
the fundamentals as commercial programs and is free,
I’m not going to complain very much at all. As
Patrick Chevalley says “I feel that you should
rather invest your money in buying a good eyepiece than
to waste it on software!”. He has a point.
Dermot Hogan
September 2005 |