No piece of software can guarantee to eliminate all
potential bugs from your programs. However, CodeHealer
can at least help you to find and fix a variety of errors
which might otherwise have passed unnoticed.

CodeHealer is a standalone tool for analysing Delphi programs
CodeHealer is a source code analysis tool for Delphi
which reads through your code and reports on errors of
logic and syntax as well as on inelegant or inefficient
coding techniques. To use it you just up your Delphi
project file and click an icon to analyse it. CodeHealer
zips through all the files in the project and lists each
unit in a window. Any warnings or errors are displayed
in another window. If a syntax error is located at this
time you will be prompted to load the file into the Delphi
editor in order to fix the error.
The errors are arranged in the form of an outline. The
outline headers give information on each types of error – such
as ‘Assignment to constant items of expressions’, ‘Delphi
directive names used as identifiers’ or ‘Undefined
function return values’. If there are multiple
errors of the same type, these are grouped together as
branches beneath a single heading. Other types of error
which it may locate include type assignment incompatibilities
and array index errors. In theory, it also warns about
unreachable code - that is, code which, because of faulty
program logic, can never be executed. In practice, this
doesn’t work. When I asked the developers, I was
told that the unreachable code option is disabled in
this release (though, confusingly, the option is still
listed) due to the fact that it was generating too many
false positives; this feature will be reinstated in version
2.2 which is supplied as a free update to purchasers.

The analysis results are listed as branches in this window.
You can click a branch to locate the problem in a code
To give you some idea of the kinds of problems CodeHealer
can locate, here are a few of the warnings it produced
from some of my own projects:
- The variable ‘FName’ hides the field of
the same name declared on line 1292 of ‘Classes.pas’
- The
identifier ‘Index’ is also a Delphi
- The local constant ‘ERRORICON’ is declared
but is never used.
You can click an error message to locate the source
of the error in your code; the file is loaded into a
window and the identifier or expression causing the problem
is highlighted. You can either edit the code in the code
display window or you can click a button to load the
file into Delphi with the cursor placed on the problem
In fact, in some cases there is an easier way of fixing
errors. You just have to highlight them one by one and
click the ‘Heal’ button. This lets you do
things such as comment out or delete an unused variable
or assign a value to an uninitialised variable. If you
change your mind, an Undo button undoes the edit. There
are limits to what the Heal button can do, however. If
you have a name-clash error, for example, or an assignment
to a constant, the Heal button stays greyed out. That
means you have only two options: either ignore the error
or edit it by hand.

In some cases the code 'healing' can be done at the click
of a mouse!
If the analysis is not comprehensive enough for you,
there are extra options that can be activated. For example,
by default CodeHealer won’t warn if you use a class
name such as TObject as a variable. But when you activate
an option to report type names that are hidden by non
type names, this will be reported as an error.

You can configure the reports by selecting from a large
number of options
You can also generate a report on a project ‘metrics’.
This displays a variety of statistical information such
as the numbers of code and comment lines in a specific
files, the number of classes, functions, string constants
and identifiers. It also displays the number of ‘branches’ (things
such as if..else and case statements), loops (for, repeat, while) and ‘cyclomatic complexity’ (a
measure of the possible paths through a piece of code).
While none of this information necessarily indicates
the presence of errors, some people believe that high
values indicate code complexity which might be taken
as a rough indicator either of inefficiency or opaqueness – though
that, it has to be said, is open to interpretation!
Overall, CodeHealer does a pretty thorough job of analysing
Delphi projects and reporting on errors, inefficiencies
and redundancies. Currently restricted to analysing Object
Pascal programs targeted at Win32, it will be even more
useful when it is updated for Delphi .NET projects (which
is promised) or indeed for other languages such as C#
(which, while not promised, we can, at least, hope for).
In brief, CodeHealer is not likely to appeal to amateur
coders, but for anyone developing commercial quality
software using Delphi, it would be an extremely valuable
Huw Collingbourne
May 2006 |