Camtasia is a well established screen
recording tool which, in its latest incarnation (released
June 27th 2005), lets you save files in AVI, WMV (Windows
Media), MOV (Quicktime) and SWF (Flash) and a few other
formats such as RM (RealMedia) and animated GIF. You
can record actions on the entire screen, a marked region
or a specific window. To record a region, you just drag
a rectangle over a portion of the screen and Camtasia
outlines the selected area when you start your recording.
Once you've recorded a screencast
you can edit it in Camtasia Studio. Video clips are loaded
top-left, a preview is shown top-right and the timeline
appears at the bottom.
Although screen recording tools have been available
for many years, they have gained much wider interest
recently. This is no doubt due, in large part, to the
success of the Flash format for streaming animations
embedded in web pages. This makes it possible to provide
interactive tutorials, product demonstrations and quizzes
which can be accessed on the Internet. The trendy word
for a Flash animation of this sort is ‘screencast’.
We use screencasts on Bitwise so we admit to a keen interest
in this type of software.

The recorder is a separate application. It lets you record
the whole screen, a rectangular area or a selected
When you want to capture a window using Camtasia Studio,
you pass your mouse over the screen to highlight and
select a window (which may be a specific window ‘pane’ such
as the editing area of a word processor or an main application
window enclosing the entire user interface - editing
area, menus and toolbars). In fact, you don’t really
select the window itself but the screen area which it
occupies. If you move the window during the recording
process you will end up recording the part of the screen
which it occupied before you moved it. Usefully, Camtasia
supports multiple monitors so when you want to record
the screen on a PC with more than one monitor, it first
lets you choose a monitor.

Here I am selecting the browser pane (outlined in red)
prior to making a recording.
There are options to record with or without a narration
and the software can optionally add sounds for mouse
and keyboard clicks. However, in my experience, these
have a high irritation factor unless used very sparingly,
due in part to the over-dramatic click effects which
sound more like armies of Orcs on the move than my delicate
digits tapping away on the keyboard. Moreover, the clicks
do not correspond exactly with actual key presses so
are best used only when key presses are few and far between.
If you record text being typed, you will not get one
click per character.
Click Here to view a Camtasia screencast with clicks
and mouse highlights. This will load into a separate
window. |
There are various other recording options too. For
example, you can automatically highlight objects such
as windows and menus when your mouse passes over them;
you can add a time stamp or a caption to a recording
and you can display a coloured highlight over the mouse
pointer or animated circles around the pointer whenever
a mouse click is recorded. Unfortunately, mouse-pointer
effects are permanently embedded into the movie at the
recording stage and cannot be removed or altered later
on. It would be better if these effects could be selectively
turned on and off in the editor; this can be done in
rival products such as Blueberry Software’s BBFlashback
and Macromedia’s
Captivate (
Clips are saved to disk in AVI format and these can
then be loaded into a separate playback and editing program.
The editing program provides a simple timeline, with
one track for video clips and another for audio. Optionally
you can open up separate tracks for callouts, hotspots,
zoom and pan and ‘Picture in Picture’ effects.
Basic video editing features are provided to let you
cut video and add various transitions such as fades,
dissolves and wipes in order to blend one clip into another.
You can record a narration at this stage or add ‘callouts’ in
the form of various shapes such as arrows and bubbles
containing text annotations. If you want to create really
snazzy interfaces for your screencasts there is a tool
called Camtasia Theatre which lets you build menus to
act as a launch pad for multiple screencasts.
One of the major problems when creating Flash format
screencasts for viewing on the Web is the sheer size
of the files. A recording of a few minutes of activity
in an application such as a word processor can easily
result in a Flash file of several megabytes. If your
recordings are image-intensive (for example, if you include
photographs or video) the file size may rapidly grow
to tens of megabytes in size. For users without broadband,
big Flash files can be extremely slow to download. Even
with broadband, the download times of huge Flash files
can be a major disincentive to potential viewers.

The JPEG compression option lets you dramatically reduce
size of some Flash files.
Usefully, the new release of Camtasia provides optional
JPEG compression which can significantly reduce the size
of files containing complex graphics, images and video.
I tested this feature on three very different recordings:
1) a 19 second screencast of a word processor, 2) a 2
minute, 46 second Windows Media format (WMV) video including
an audio track and 3) a Camtasia recording of some photographs
being viewed in the Microsoft Picture Viewer.
Movie #1 (the word processor) was saved as 275K Flash
movie with no difference in size when the standard rate
of JPEG compression was applied. Movie #2 (the WMV video)
was saved as a massive 65MB Flash movie by default but
compressed to a ‘mere’ 9.3MB when JPEG compression
was applied. Movie #3 (the Picture Viewer) was saved
as a 12.6MB Flash file as standard but compressed to
1.36MB when JPEG compression was used. JPEG compression
does result in some reduction in image quality but, frankly,
if your Flash movies are intended for the web, a small
sacrifice in image quality is well worth a large gain
in download speed.
The 'dogpix' screencast.
Click Here to
view my JPEG compressed (1.36MB) screencast. This
will load into a separate window. |
One snazzy new feature is the addition of a Picture-in-Picture
(PIP) recording tool. The idea is that you record your
screencast and then pop up a smaller recording such as
a ‘talking head’ video in one corner of it.
You should, in theory, be able to record this using a
video camera or webcam to narrate the video while simultaneously
watching the original screencast on your monitor. In
practice, I had problems with this. Using a Sony camcorder
attached via a USB cable I was able to display ‘live’ pictures
from the camcorder but I did not succeed in recording
any. The view from the camcorder is visible right up
until I click the on-screen ‘Start Recording’ button,
at which point it frustratingly disappears. I have reported
this problem to Techsmith but, at the time of writing,
it has not been resolved. If you want to see how PIP
should work, take a look at some of the examples on the
Techsmith web site.

Ideally you should be able to preview your screencast
on the right and record a picture-in-picture video
on the left.
I had problems, however...
Among the other new features in Camtasia Studio 3 there
is a Quizzing tool for creating interactive screens of
multiple-choice questions. The user can play the quiz
by clicking one of several answers and receiving instant
feedback to show whether or not the answer was correct.

You can create multiple-choice quizzes by filling in
a few text fields...
...and this is the quiz that results.
There is also a Titling tool for adding text or graphics
at the start of a movie or in between individual clips
and there are ‘interactive callouts’. At
first sight these look like ordinary callouts (speech
bubbles and annotations) but, in this release, they
have gained an extra trick. An interactive callout
can act as a Flash hotspot, which means that they can
be used to jump to a specific part of the movie (which
can be defined by a frame number or a special marker)
or they load a specific web site into your web browser.
This is an improvement over the hotspot feature in
the previous release of Camtasia which could only be
added to rectangular areas of a movie and only responded
to clicks after the movie had stopped running. The
new callout Flash hotspots respond to clicks while
the movie is still running and can optionally cause
the movie to pause until the user clicks the hotspot
to continue.

Here I am annotating a screencast with a 'speech bubble'
I've designated this as a hotspot so that
the specified URL will be loaded when the callout is
Overall Camtasia Studio 3 is an extremely powerful
tool. Apart from the problem I had when attempting to
record ‘picture in picture’ videos, my main
reservation is that it generates a separate Flash SWF
file for the video-style controller that lets you play,
stop or rewind screencasts. This Flash controller is
embedded in a web page along with the screencast recording
itself and requires some complicated (auto-generated)
HTML plus a separate XML configuration file. Originally,
I had planned to keep all my HTML web pages in one directory
and all my SWF files in another. Trying to do this with
Camtasia screencasts provide to be an almost impossible
task (well, anyway, I couldn’t figure out how to
do it!) so in the end I admitted defeat and put all the
HTML and SWF files in the same directory.
Click Here to
view an example of a 'real world' Camtasia screencast.
This is s short introduction to the Delphi 2005 programming
environment. We recorded this with the previous version
of Camtasia (v 2.1.2) but it is nonetheless representative
of the kind of straightforward demo or tutorial screencasts
which you can record with Camtasia 3. |
Camtasia generates separate Flash format files for
different elements of a screencast. For example, my dogpix
screencast comprises the file dogpix.swf which is the
recording I made, plus dogpix_controller.swf, which is
the ‘video style’ control panel shown beneath
the screencast and dogpix_preload.swf, which is the ‘Loading’ message
that is displayed while the screencast is downloading
from the web site to your computer. These files are glued
together using one HTML file and one XML
configuration file (shown below). The advantage of having a separate
configuration file is that you could, if you wished,
edit it by hand to alter (for example) the percentage
of the movie that is preloaded before running or the
colour of the control bar. The disadvantage of all these
files is that it makes it hard to separate them into
different directories on a web site in which specific
file types may be stored in specific locations. It also
makes it tricky to load screencasts into third-party
web design applications such as Macromedia’s Dreamweaver.
dogpix.html :: Camtasia-generated HTML file
<!-- saved from url=(0025)
<title>Created by Camtasia Studio 3</title>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;
<script language=javascript type="text/javascript">
function OnLoad()
<body >
<table border="0" cellpadding="0" align="center" width="640">
<td ><object id ="flashMovie"
codeBase =",0,0,0"
height ="497"
width ="640 "
classid ="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" VIEWASTEXT>
<PARAM NAME="_cx" VALUE="26">
<PARAM NAME="_cy" VALUE="26">
<PARAM NAME="FlashVars" VALUE="csConfigFile=dogpix_config.xml">
<PARAM NAME="Movie" VALUE="dogpix_controller.swf?csConfigFile=dogpix_config.xml">
<PARAM NAME="Src" VALUE="dogpix_controller.swf?csConfigFile=dogpix_config.xml">
<PARAM NAME="WMode" VALUE="Window">
<PARAM NAME="Quality" VALUE="high">
<PARAM NAME="Menu" VALUE="-1">
<PARAM NAME="AllowScriptAccess" VALUE="always">
<PARAM NAME="DeviceFont" VALUE="0">
<PARAM NAME="EmbedMovie" VALUE="0">
<PARAM NAME="MovieData" VALUE="">
<PARAM NAME="SeamlessTabbing" VALUE="1">
<EMBED id ="EmbedflashMovie"
src ="dogpix_controller.swf?csConfigFile=dogpix_config.xml"
flashvars ="csConfigFile=dogpix_config.xml"
quality ="high"
bgcolor ="#FFFFFF"
width ="640"
height ="497"
type ="application/x-shockwave-flash"
pluginspace ="">
</OBJECT> <br></td>
dogpix_config.xml :: Camtasia-generated
XML file
</config> |
Note: we shall shortly be reviewing other screencast
tools including BBFlashback and Captivate
Huw Collingbourne
June 2005