Hogan ponders on the future of Visual Basic
and decides that the tea-leaves are giving strange and
dangerous messages …
One of the things that’s become clear to me in
my wanderings through the Visual
Basic .NET vs. Visual Basic 6 controversy is that there are a lot of annoyed
people out there. Very annoyed, very pissed off - and
with a very large code-base to support. A very large
ORPHANED code base.
If, like me, you are a small-scale user of VB, the
argument between the VB6 fraternity and users of .NET
may seem arcane. In my opinion, VB .NET is clearly
a better language: it’s got vastly better error
handling and a much nicer development tool in Visual
Studio 2003. It’s also object-oriented (if you’re
into that sort of thing) and best of all, from my point
of view, it’s multithreaded.
Over the last two years I have written, from scratch,
a decent sized VB .NET application which is multithreaded
and talks to a real-time system via a fast USB2 link.
But, in the course of doing this, I’ve begun to
have my doubts. And gradually, I’ve come to the
conclusion that if I was starting again I wouldn’t
use VB .NET. I’ll explain why below, but first
look at the guys who have a real problem. Currently,
I’ve got a nice shiny program with a few thousand
lines of code. But wait a minute - what if I’d
got 100,000+ lines of code, all written in VB 6? I think
I’d be in trouble …
Even if you are utterly indifferent to the plight of
VB6 users (“serves ‘em right for using
a stupid language!”) you might consider this: if
Microsoft is treating a loyal (and presumably profitable)
customer base as if they had an unpleasant medical condition
what might it do in future? With this thought in mind,
do you really want to commit yourself (and your business)
to writing a huge application in C#? It certainly set
me thinking….
The Problem
If you’ve built your business on VB6 over the
last decade or so, you’ll have had to put up with
Microsoft changing the rules from time to time. In going
from VB3 to VB4, Microsoft introduced 32-bit address
spaces, for example – a fairly substantial change.
There’s nothing too wrong with that provided you
don’t go too far. If nobody changed anything we
would all still be using code full of lines with numbers
If you’ve got hundreds
of thousands of lines of code that use GOSUB, then
you are well and truly in deep… trouble.
There is no simple way of converting your code. |
But in going from VB6 to VB .NET Microsoft did far
more than that. It re-wrote the language: VB .NET is,
in essence, a totally new language. It bears some superficial
resemblance to VB6, but underneath it is entirely predicated
on the .NET Common Language Runtime (CLR) and its data
types; and at compile time, you have to use the .NET
Now, the change to using the .NET CLR is substantial,
but manageable. Changing the VB Integer data type from
16-bits to 32-bits is radical, but with a good editor
and some decent testing, you can cope. There are other
similar changes – mainly small, possibly annoying,
but generally manageable. But what isn’t manageable
is where Microsoft has thrown out language constructs – like
the good old GOSUB. This little story bears some examination.
You might think, as I initially did having never once
had cause to use it, that it was about time that GOSUB
was given the boot. But it turns out that on closer inspection
(reading the manual, that is) that GOSUB is not quite
what it seems. With a VB6 GOSUB, the lexical scope of
the GOSUB is that of the surrounding FUNCTION or SUB.
So you can access variables quickly within a routine
without having to pass them as parameters. In other words,
it’s a “nested function”. Now this
isn’t very common, but there are languages which
do allow you to do this – ALGOL68 and Pascal being
two that I’m familiar with, and I’m sure
there are several more. But one language that you cannot
do this in is ANSI C. And that has followed into its
descendents – C++ and C#, though the GNU C compiler
family now has an extension to allow nested function
The reason why allowing procedures to be declared with
procedures has gone out of fashion is mainly, I suspect,
due to the dominance of C. The downside is that the technique
requires a more complicated compiler, has slightly more
overhead associated with it and just possibly may be
trickier to debug. But it does have it’s uses – I’ve
used it myself in some ALGOL68 programs.
Anyway, the point here is that if you’ve got
hundreds of thousands of lines of code that use GOSUB,
then you are well and truly in deep… trouble.
There is no simple way of converting your code and the
Microsoft-supplied conversion tool just doesn’t
do anything apart from tell you that you can’t.
So there!
Now, let’s suppose you are the proud owner of
several hundred thousand lines of VB6 code which use
this feature and you’ve built a successful business
on your application, employing some dozens of programmers
and associated staff. Oh yes – and Microsoft has
said that it will cease ALL support –even paid
support - from sometime in 2008? Well, as someone once
said: it’s an interesting intellectual problem.
But that’s not all, there’s more. Just
consider the problem of converting vast chunks of procedural
code into something that is OO based (and with VB .NET
you MUST be OO based even if you generally avoid using
OO like the plague). That is not simple. It can be bad
enough to convert an application which is 1000 lines
long (I had to give up on one of mine – the Microsoft
porting tool was useless). But 100,000 lines or more?
Building the pyramids would be quicker.
Fundamentally, Microsoft has said that, come hell or
high water, VB6 will cease to exist as far as it is concerned
sometime in 2008. Additionally, it seems that Microsoft
is not going to enhance the porting tool or add new language
features to VB .NET. So, if you have the “interesting
intellectual problem” which I mentioned above,
what are you going to do?
One language that does support both object oriented
programming and procedural methods is Delphi. In addition,
being Pascal based, it also handles the GOSUB problem
nicely. And there are tools out there that will convert
from VB6 to Delphi. Borland might be beginning to smile
again after a long period in Microsoft’s shadow.
Another alternative might be to use VB6 a lookalike
such as REALbasic. The problem here though might be jumping
from the frying pan into the fire. Betting your future
on a small software vendor having been burnt by a large
one may not be the best, or most tempting, strategy.
Or you could re-write the whole shooting match in VB
.NET. But if you are going to do that why chose VB? C#
seems to be the way Microsoft is pushing things and I’ve
certainly seen no real advantage in using VB .NET over
The last option is to do nothing. VB6 programs will
continue to function in Windows XP for some time to come.
But in the long run? In the long run, you’ll certainly
end up proving Keynes’ dictum: in the long run,
we’re all dead.
As well as the insult of not
improving VB as a rapid application development language,
there’s the strong insult of abandoning a loyal
and enthusiastic customer base. |
The Future
I mentioned above that I’d used VB .NET for a
reasonable sized project. Over a period of about two
years I’ve learnt what works well and what doesn’t.
Briefly, the good bits are the error handling, multithreading,
delegates and the .NET Framework. Yes, I know the Framework
can be a real pain – but overall, it’s improved
my productivity considerably. The bad bits are the lack
of unsigned type support and interfacing to unmanaged
memory. The former is just annoying and is being fixed
in the upcoming Visual Studio 2005 release. The latter
is simply grim. The words “major surgery” and “no
anaesthetic” come to mind.
But enough of that. What gradually dawned on me as
I progressed through my project was that there was little
or no advantage to using Visual Basic .NET over C#. Some
parts of the project were written in C# and quite a large
portion - the real-time microcontroller - was written
in plain old ANSI C. But looking back, I genuinely can’t
think of a single significant plus that made me think “Yes!
That’s why Visual Basic is there!”. In fact
there was a downside for my application – switching
my brain between thinking in VB and thinking in C/C#
could often be quite difficult. Especially late at night.
Microsoft seems to be intent on wrecking the Visual
Basic world. Before .NET, There was a clear advantage
to using VB6 over, say, C++. True, you couldn’t
do as many things in VB6 as in C++, but what you could
do was safe, fast and hence productive. But now, there
is really very little difference between C# and VB .NET.
Indeed, in C# you can do a bit more than in VB .NET.
As well as the insult of not improving VB as a rapid
application development language, there’s the strong
insult of abandoning a loyal and enthusiastic customer
Is there a future for Visual Basic? I’m beginning
to think that there isn’t.
Dermot Hogan (Bitwise
Technical Editor) formerly wrote the Visual
Basic programming column for PC Plus magazine
in the UK. A specialist in realtime trading
technologies, he has managed and developed global
risk management systems for major international
banks and financial institutions. Dermot holds
a Ph.D in physics from the University of Cambridge.
In addition to VB, he has programmed in C,
C++, LISP, ALGOL68, Perl and other languages
far too numerous to mention.
July 2005 |