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Latest addition : Wednesday 5 March 2014.

This section's articles

Ruby Programming: strings (in 60 seconds)

Wednesday 5 March 2014 by Huw Collingbourne

There are many ways of creating and using strings in Ruby. But the three most important string types are single-quoted, double-quoted and backquoted.

In the first of a new video series that will cover core Ruby programming topics in one minute flat, I explain these three types of Ruby string....
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Master Ruby Programming - and save money!

Tuesday 10 July 2012 by Huw Collingbourne

Adventures In Ruby, Part 3

Thursday 1 November 2007 by Huw Collingbourne

Adventures In Ruby, Part 2

Sunday 7 October 2007 by Huw Collingbourne

Adventures In Ruby

Friday 10 August 2007 by Huw Collingbourne

Ruby On Rails Tutorial: The Model

Wednesday 18 July 2007 by Huw Collingbourne

Ruby On Rails Tutorial : The Basics

Tuesday 6 February 2007 by Huw Collingbourne
