Integrate Windows and OS X
Saturday 15 September 2012
Putting the colour back into your programming life
Monday 10 September 2012
after 26 years the magazine is no more
Monday 3 September 2012
I just heard that PC Plus is ceasing publication. On the one hand, I can’t say it’s a huge surprise. You only have to see how thin the magazine (and many other computer titles) has become when compared with the 400-page monsters of a few years ago. The fact of the matter is that in this Internet-centric world, we now expect to read the latest news on the day it happens rather than weeks later when a magazine finally goes to print. So it must be an increasing struggle for print magazines to retain a loyal readership.
Well, not without a bit of brute force assistance…
Monday 27 August 2012
Battle of the IDEs
Monday 30 July 2012
Windows has Visual Studio which is (in my opinion) by far the best IDE available on any platform. The Mac has Xcode…
3D scene designer
Friday 13 July 2012
Learn Ruby the easy way
Tuesday 10 July 2012
Ruby programmers are in demand. But if you’ve never programmed in Ruby, what’s the fastest way to learn the skills you need? Read on and find out…
Zoom goes down the pan!
Tuesday 26 June 2012
Screen recording and editing on Windows
Friday 22 June 2012
Now in Colour
Wednesday 13 June 2012
New interview
Friday 8 June 2012
At the risk of once again igniting the ever-popular "4-space indent versus 2-space indent" arguments so beloved of Ruby programmers, here’s a little video interview I recorded recently.
Book review
Tuesday 29 May 2012
Making the map
Monday 14 May 2012
The pinnacle of the programmer’s art is ( as you must no doubt agree!
) the text adventure....
Budget video editing package
Saturday 12 May 2012
Colours, capitals and a problem that need not exist
Friday 11 May 2012
I must confess that I am baffled about the problems Microsoft is making for itself by tinkering around with the appearance of the forthcoming version of Visual Studio.
Never mind the instances and messages!
Monday 23 April 2012
Planning the class hierarchy
Friday 20 April 2012
Here is the latest video in my new series...
Sign up now!
Tuesday 17 April 2012
We now have a newsletter...
The highest calling in programming
Monday 16 April 2012
Long ago and far away (well, London in the early ’80s to be precise) I started programming...
On Udemy Now!
Tuesday 3 April 2012
If you’ve ever fancied learning to program on Windows, this is your chance...